We are ALL being called to lead by example

in #ungrip7 years ago

With the rapid deterioration of public confidence in public institutions, it is quickly becoming apparent that the responsibility for leadership is returning to the individual where it rightfully belongs.  Whether that is a result of greed, corruption, sexual assaults, violence, etc, there is a high probability that the states legitimacy to govern may disappear in our life times.  

We have an opportunity to learn and test how we can self-govern in a public forum like Steemit.  

When we utilize open source, decentralized, distributed, blockchain platforms like Steemit, we are sharing in a public forum that has very few rules and there is the expectation that people can govern themselves - the very definition of anarchy.  But what does that really mean?  What is required for self-governance? 

Self-governance demands that each individual establish the highest ethical and moral standards that they are going to use to govern themselves, whether that be through love, peace, freedom, patience, forgiveness gentleness, self-control or kindness.  If we chose this higher path, then it is up to us to set the example for others to follow.  

This path does not engage in violence, abuse, coercion or other such behaviours.  We cannot force our moral or ethical standards on others, even if we disagree with their standards.  It also does not guarantee that others won't engage in abusive behaviours either.  It is up to us to learn how to forgive or resolve disputes in a peaceful and non-violent manor.  This platform provides a wonderful opportunity for doing that as we can attempt to resolve the dispute one-on-one.  As the blockchain records the interaction, we have many witnesses to what is being said.  We can easily call upon others to help resolve the dispute if we need help.  If we do, then we have gained a brother.  If not, then may we each walk away in peace.  

Their may always be bullies and violent offenders.  So we also need to be safe, vigilant and persistent to ensure that our own personal safety is always maintained as it is always the responsibility of the individual and his / her community.  It is our duty to identify and confront violence, but we should never engage in violence through that process, whether that violence be overt or covert.  That is the path to the dark side.  Peace is paramount.

Which ever path we choose, our intent is reflected in our actions and inaction.  It should be the intent of everyone involved that no harm come to anybody else.  That is the ultimate goal of any relationship.  At times mistakes will be made and it is up to us to learn how to forgive, learn and move on.  That is a requirement for a prosperity model as debt can drown any form of prosperity.  It may also require a great deal of reflection and investigation to ensure our actions or inaction does not cause harm.  

In the end, we must also recognize that all relationships will end here on this physical realm and even in this virtual platform.  It does not matter how hard we hold onto one another, this will end one day.  Maybe it is a matter of un-following somebody or even mourning a death.  Either way, it is wise to have exit strategies so that we can make the transition easier for all involved.  

What ever choices we make, we stand as a witness to each others journey.  Some we will disagree with, while others resonate with our hearts and minds.  May we influence each other to rise above the violence that has infiltrated our lives for far too long and choose peace instead.  May we stand as a witness for each other as we venture along this journey to learn how to self-govern in peace, freedom, prosperity and love.  May we set the example to inspire others to rise above the violence in their lives and teaching them to lead by example as well.

This high road is not an easy path to follow.  It requires a lot of work, self reflection and change.  But it is this road that will bring forth the greatest spiritual rewards and make the greatest impact on the lives of all life here on this planet.  We owe it to ourselves and everyone else to make the effort and do the work.  

We will do this by each individual being a leader and leading by example.  This is what Creator wanted us to learn as life here is all about relationships.  So how we govern ourselves will determine if we Graduate Life with Honours.  That takes a lot of conscious work for each of us.  

 We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If  we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also  change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the  world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A  wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait  to see what others do. - Mahatma Gandhi 

So, before you click on that post button ... are you sure what you are saying reflects your intent and is that intent honourable, peaceful, loving, patient, gentle and kind?


I think many of the points you mention are valid. In fact, I've been sleeping over these issues of late and my experience with Steemit and I will publish my own view on the benefits of Steemit to make this change.

I have no doubt things are going to change, and Steemit is like a micro-universe where we can see how certain things will play out in the future for the macro-universe that is our life.

The concept of what we're talking about here is deep... we could fill a lot of blog posts with it... it isn't easy to grasp your head around it and really understand it and breathe it fully, but it is damn worth it.

By the way @wwf I follow @stellabelle and saw on her last post she is needing some help on an upcoming project? Put in a good work for me will ya ;D


I agree, these issue do run deep and can also get very complex. However, with some faith and patience, we can ride the wave of chaos and come out the other side in peace. It will be a stormy ride, but necessary for us to learn how these new relationship models will manifest. I sleep over these issues too. lol

I am not aware of @stellabelle, but I did check out her post. Sounds like she is thinking along the same lines. I also noticed that you commented on her post, but you have yet to throw your hat into the ring regarding her project. Throw it in. Make yourself known! :D

Really appreciate your post and perspective. The more like-minded beings find one another and create coherence, the more the wave will expand and take on momentum toward a harmony that our beautiful planet models every moment.

Yesterday I was reading about the behavior of the fish swarms, and the interesting thing is that the fish swarms are moving beautifully and consistently, although there is no captain. leader each fish is considered a leader for itself.... It inspired me so much and made me think that we don't need governments that impose on us their system... We can live peacefully in large groups.. We just need to respect each other.
I wrote an article about this. Let's learn the laws of success from the fish.

You don't have to upvote for it....... The important thing for me is your opinion..... my brother @wwf

I read your post. I like the concept. <3 With anything balance is required. I gave a much more detailed comment on your blog post.

Thank you...my brother @wwf .. I'm glad to hear your opinion about me. I think I've benefited a lot from your insights and I'm dreaming of getting to your level or just approaching....
.Yes, we don't need a leader, but we need a mentor... Like you

These past 48 hours have brought many things to me. This morning, my 7year old daughter and i were talking about all that had been happening. Her response "People just don't want to see us happy, living good. That lady will be back over and over again"
When you said

We cannot force our moral or ethical standards on others, even if we disagree with their standards. It also does not guarantee that others won't engage in abusive behaviours either. It is up to us to learn how to forgive or resolve disputes in a peaceful and non-violent manor.

Lights are on and flashing. Now to navigate in a peaceful and respectful manor.
Thank you as always @wwf

Love and respect

<3 I pray it goes well for you. Let me know if you need help.

Wouldn't this type of lesson go a long way in social studies classes!? I will share this one with my son. See what he thinks about having this message being shared by someone other than mom for a change. It is a tricky time to raise a child/ adolesent with society/ and school teaching one thing but mom bringing up other views. I am always praying for peace, freedom and love to be with our youth and future generations and all of us. Thank-you for your beautifuly written message @wwf.

Every unit of a society begins with the individual. If each individual is honorable then the collective will be honorable. Many people define anarchy as doing what is right in their own eyes. I submit we define it as doing what is right for our neighbors.
If we look carefully at Steemit it is a rather accurate micro-economy based on a global population. We see the greed and selfishness but we also see the love and kindness. Many of us remain for the latter. If one cared about academic studies Steemit would be a perfect model for a myriad of experiments.
As you point out Steemit is an opportunity for us to see who we really are; and adjust if so moved. Let's see how it goes, individually and collectively.

I do not want to be like Ghandi,
he got himself killed, and his oppressors are still running amuck.

be like v

V also got himself killed and his oppressors are still running amuck too. I refuse to be violent as all of this has significant spiritual consequences.

Good job @wwf and thanks for sharing this post

He is Mahatma Gandhi, he is an Indian citizen, we still remember him with reverence, thank you so much for sharing a great personality like us.

Most individual adults depend on the state or corporations just like when they were children they depended on their parents for a living. It's only after we submit ourselves to a higher authority, i.e. our Creator God, and call Him Abba Father, that we can truly be of self-governance without each individual doing what he thinks is right in his own eyes or even killing each other.

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