When Peace is seen as a Threat

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

At times it is very difficult to differentiate between body and spirit.  These thoughts and feelings, are they emotional responses to external stimulus rooted from my vessel or are they messages from spirit communicated through feelings? The differences between emotional reactions and our true spiritual feelings is profound and critical if we are going to work out this relationship between the physical and spiritual.  

I was listening to Alison Armstrong the other day and she suggested that dependency results in an adversarial relationship.  When she said that, she was talking about relationships between men and women.  I could easily make that same connection and conclusion with our dependent relationship with the state or corporations.  Do you see the adversarial relationship that manifests with those entities?  Ever try to call the government or a large corporation and feel hostility and being treated like a nobody, unheard and unseen?  It is due to our dependency and the adversarial relationship will continue until we change how we approach relationships.  I agree with her conclusions and find it to be a brilliant observation.  

I also see adversarial relationship manifesting between the physical vessel and spiritual body too.  Our physical body is dependent upon spirit for life and it has its own instincts.  When it feels threatened or scared it engages in the flight or fight response.  Fear, scarcity, competition and a 'I win, you lose' attitude is rooted in the behaviours of the physical vessel.  When we make the leap to self-governance through spirit we are met with a paradigm shift that involves cooperation, honour and accountability.  Integrity is the expression of spirit.  As a result, the body takes on an adversarial relationship with spirit and it seems to be a constant battle.

For those people who struggle with the battle between the two, it can be a daunting task to reconcile.  The primary instincts of our physical body is for survival and it will do anything to achieve that goal.  What spirit brings to the table makes no sense to our bodies.  It is foreign, alien and even outside of the scope of its comprehension.  As a result, the body feels very uncomfortable and even scared as it does not trust spirit yet.  

The Spirit's peace is seen as a threat to our vessel because it cannot see how it's own needs will be met.  As a result, we end up with an adversarial relationship between the two.  Ever see people who are capable of engaging in beautiful works or gesture of kindness, sharing and love, only to turn around and also engage in ugly violence too?  We all have done this.  When we start to push through the barriers towards peace, the body rebels.  If we surrender to the rebellion, we often engage in violent behaviour despite our spiritual dedication to peace.  I've lost many friends as they succumb and justify their 'fight'.  Astounding and hurtful, but I forgive them and pray that they find their way back to peace and spiritual self-governance.

How can we possibly reconcile our relationship between spirit and the physical?  It seems unlikely that a reconciliation can take place as we have been struggling with this paradox for generations.  What is required is the physical vessel to surrender to spirit.  This surrender is a complete leap of faith as the body cannot comprehend how spirit works.  It is like the ants in a colony comprehending the movement of the stars and planets in our galaxy.  This type of leap requires several stages and as we hit barriers, we are prompted for the next leap of faith.  

My first surrender was in 2001 when I started my road to recovery.  My second surrender was in 2007 when I quit my job and surrendered to Creator to provide for all my needs, off the grid.  Learning to trust Creator to provide for me was a long, uncomfortable, scary and hugely rewarding experience.  I've been through many different types of surrenders and each one brings with it more lessons, rewards and experiences.  My surrender for peace in April 2008 was one of the key moments in my life but also brought with it great pain as my surrender was not complete.  I feel I am there now and the pain has subsided.  I suspect I have many more yet to experience and encounter and I will do my best to surrender and experience the wisdom and guidance of spirit as I now trust spirit which makes the leap of faith easier and easier.  

My declaration of peace and commitment to that spiritual level of honour, accountability and integrity also brought with it reactions of anger, fear, contempt, loss, rebuke and misunderstanding from others.  I've lost many friends and family as a result as their physical vessels still govern their lives.  Those losses continue to this very day as I walk my path and confront others on their violence.  It is astounding how many people unfollow, unfriend and even block me as a result of my posts confronting them about their own behaviour.  

Surrendering to peace takes away all the excuses we ever used to attack others.  There is no justification for being violent towards others.  Zero.  None.  Zilch.  It is not a righteous act at all.  People defend their excuses and justifications, violently if necessary as their physical vessel commands their life.   Peace is a threat to them as their whole way of life must change if they truly embrace spirit to command life instead.  

 "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends"  - Professor Dumbledore - Harry Potter

J. K. Rowling was right when she wrote that line many years ago.  However, the greatest bravery and courage is to stand up to your self!  By exploring our relationship between the physical and spiritual, we will find that both have value, attributes and skills.  Rather than being dependent upon one another which creates adversity, it is time to embrace the qualities of both and find a way to bring balance to the relationship.  

The instincts of our physical vessel are important, but so too is the wisdom, vision and sight of spirit.  It is my experience that the physical vessel will feel very uncomfortable through this process.  But with a leap of faith, time and patience, it will come around and learn to trust spirit.  Spirit must walk with integrity, honour and accountability to earn the trust of the physical vessel.  Any disruption in the integrity of spirit will sabotage the trust that is being built.  It is hard grueling work.  However, the rewards when completed are astounding.  

This is what most people fear.  When spirit and physical start working together in harmony, watch out!  Suddenly real magic starts to happen and it is astounding the results we start to witness when we achieve this goal.  Peace is not the threat.  Peace threatens the status quo which spirit is working hard to change.  Peace threatens those who work hard to keep the status quo.  That is the real threat that they fight against.  That is why peace is seen as a threat.  Peace threatens change and that terrifies everyone.

However, spirit is a powerful force on this planet and when we find ways to bring balance between the two, violence becomes powerless.  It will be a great day on this planet when violence no longer works.  The intellectual mind has a very hard time comprehending this idea.  How can it be?  How is it possible that being peaceful makes violence powerless and insignificant?  Impossible you say?  Sorry my friend, but I cannot explain this for your intellectual mind to comprehend.  But I suspect your spirit knows exactly what I'm talking about.  

Do you feel it?  

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Something must be in the air, in the movement of stars and oceans, something has touched sensitive chords in your heart and spirit. That something was with me this morning as I walked out in the snow covered fields of sage with the dogs. They focused on the faint smells of coyote, and rabbit ... frozen molecules releasing energies into the air unknown to me but a real world of knowing to them. As they sniffed and chased prints in the snow I dreamt a dream of Peace. I asked of myself to come into that precarious balance between "reality" and the deep knowing of authentic integrity of spirit. And I swore I'd come to Steemit this morning and give voice to energies surging within, WITHOUT first looking at my feed. And DANG there you were and like my dogs who cant stop sniffing once the scent is caught, I tracked your words just as surely, pulled by the lusty fragrance of truth, pulled by a deeper frequency of soul. And so, while the words you employ may be a bit of an odd dialect to me, different than the ones I use, they come from the same Source and my heart knows the translation. Peace be unto you. Be thou not afraid, only believe. NOW I can go write my bit. Blessings my friend. Oh!! And I loved the pics, especially the first two.

WOW! I love your art form. You wield words like a master as you comprehend the magic and grace of the spells you cast. I am touched deeply by your expressions and honoured by your grace. May Creator continue to bless you my friend with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Thanks. I'm so grateful for your presence here. It makes Steemit a real possibility for me.

I have to admit that I generally do not read such articles but this article got me thinking, nice one :)

To practice non-resistance, one has to believe there is more than enough. It is only through scarcity thinking that people have to fight. We can stop resisting when we embrace the abundance that is contained in this universe. We see it taking place before our eyes, to the dismay of both of us. People feel there isnt enough so time to justify fighting and harming others.

One who chooses the path of non resistance cannot be attacked. It is impossible to fight one who is at peace with what is happening in the moment.

The biggest breakthrough is that the world and all in it are nothing more than a mirror to me. Hence, it is impossible for me to fight another. It is like trying to punch a mirror...it is only reflecting myself back to me. Fighting another is simply fighting that about myself which I do not like.

I was at a meeting this morning and a guy shared...110% pure ego...I found myself getting judgmental until I realized I was simply seeing my own arrogance being reflected back to me. From that moment on, I was at peace with this other person....he was being my teacher in that moment.

Scarcity, fear, competition, greed and all those other attributes are rooted in our animal vessel. Spirit can over come those as we often over react and we are poor at evaluating risk. That is how insurance companies, governments and corporations make so much money from us. There is rational fear which is rare. By far, the biggest fears we experience are mostly irrational. These irrational fears drives us into dependence.

But if we can over come, we will find that life is nothing like what we think it is. We see prosperity every where. Freedom, gifts, flow and abundance is all around us. Our blindness prevents us from seeing it all and it takes a spiritual journey to explore what is really here for us all.

I agree with you my friend. <3 Peace to you!

I had a vision a little over three years ago while staying at my son’s house in the woods. I was struggling through a dense forest and finally came to a clearing. A baby lay there in a bed of green. A beautiful feeling of overwhelming peace came over me as I looked upon this child in this place.

At the time I thought the interpertaion had something to do with my grandson who was due soon. Now I’m begginning to think it has more to do with my own personal struggle with peace especailly since the recent death of my husband.

This is so hard. I’ve made a committment to peace but my body fears the vulnerability and doesn’t understand the power. I’ve been suffering anxiety attacks for the first time in my life. At first they were rather extreme and violent but have calmed down in intensity. I hope to reach my first clearing soon, but suspect my journey will continue.

I am not sure where the child comes to play in this interpertation other than the fact that my grandchildren are my main motivation for this journey. I hope to impart to them some of the joy and strength that comes from peace.

As always, thank you so much for wise words and encouragement.

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While I recognize this is a bot, I do know that somebody came up with this idea and I do think it is brilliant. Some people have a hard time reading and to listen to the posts opens up the information to a whole new audience. So I welcome and support this initiative. I think it is wonderful! Hat's off to the individual(s) who made this happen.

Spirit must walk with integrity, honour and accountability to earn the trust of the physical vessel. Any disruption in the integrity of spirit will sabotage the trust that is being built.

The spirit is willing but the physical is not. It is a struggle. But peace, harmony and tranquillity s the ultimate goal. Peace does make violence powerless. It is impossible to fight someone who is peaceful and doesn't fight back. It takes two to fight.

Indeed it does. Thank you for confirming my own experience about peace and violence. It is so difficult to comprehend as it makes no physical sense at all. <3

My Dad used to say " it takes two to tangle"

This is very good spiritual wisdom that you shared with us and yes the feeling of being a soul that struggles with the pains of reality could be felt deeply. For myself, I'm trying not to think in terms of good and evil or peace and fight or any other dualistic moral worldview. If we accept peace in our life than we also created "fight" instantly in the same moment because we think that "peace" is real, but a matter of fact is that life itself is never one or the other it is always both. As far from my understanding our reality is just "neutral" but driven by this intelligence and creative energy called life!!!

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