Living Life
I once asked someone about life, what life is good seen from the social aspect,?
Life is a perfection to be grateful for, How and should be like to be what,
Our existence is grace, A despair is not necessarily a failure
The failed person is not a person who has no plans, Life is not separated from life around us, Those who are destroyed,
Those who are lucky, He who falls, He who stands firm, It is life,
A beautiful life is a life capable of practicing all that we have,
Useful science, lawful property, right advice, Everyone has shortcomings, Although caste,
To criticize life is the greatest mistake in life, So, share with you the advantages you have to those in need,
So that when you are no longer in this world, There are deeds that remain to live in the Hereafter, Do good wise, Love your life now and later,
Surely death is not to be feared but to be prepared so that when you live the essential life (live after death) you just pick what you have sown in the world,
May the prayers that are promised to you,
Echoing from the lips of sincere people who are still alive from what you have given in the past,
if there is a mistake in writing, I really hope if there are people who criticize and give suggestions for me, hopefully for my next post to be better