Highly Recommended..
It's always a good idea to take a few days off from the things you love, before the things you love turn sour and you start to detest them.
I took a few days off to recharge my creativity. In that time I was talking to some very interesting folks and they suggested that I follow them on instagram. I was like, what's that? So I downloaded the app and I have been learning how to use that.
I'm the guy who waited until last year to learn to tweet, so this whole instagram thing should come as no surprise to anyone.
I barely ever check my email, I'm now more likely to be on twitter, now that I've learned how it works through trial and error. Yes, I can be stubborn, but sometimes that works in my favor. It's when I rush in to things that I get into trouble. I like to take my time own time deciding whether I'm going to do something or not. Not when other people say I should, that rarely ever works out for me.
Some people have their whole life planned out. I like to live life in the moment and be spontaneous. Lol, of course that has never worked for my employers. No, in my case, as far as work goes the best kind of work for me is self employment. I have issues with people who think they are my boss, or those who want to control me. I always have had that problem, even with my parents. Thus all the beatings I was gifted with as a child. They finally quit beating me when I became big enough to defend myself and make them see that I am who I am and I will be me and the way I am until I decide to change me. I'm sure I would not fare well in dictatorship where I would be forced to do things a certain kind of way because someone decided it was best for everyone. Not me, I'm too independent and free thinking.
For instance. A thought occurred to me early this morning.
What if the Big Bang was God exploding into the darkness? What if everything we know is a small part of God? Each of us would have a small part of God in us, making us all part of Him and when we die we go back to reforming into Him? It's a thought, strange I know, but in some cultures the very thought could get a person killed and branded a heretic.
I like to think outside the box because most of everyone else is inside it. So much repetition in the world, in books, films, multimedia, stories, music, etc. it's good to be slightly different. It gives life a certain spiciness. So be different, be yourself and most of all give yourself a break once in a while. Enjoy other people's spiciness.
You never know what spices they have to offer. Like these..
Or these..
There is so much to life. There should never be a time when you get so down that you can't find a reason or a place or a person to live just one more day..just one more..ok, maybe a couple more..maybe a week, surely it can wait a week..or, oh! There's a cool movie coming out next year! I've got to see that before it all ends..life goes on and there's all sorts of reasons to hang around enjoying it. If you ever need a reason or a really great excuse, ask me, I think way outside the box.
Much love, light, mirth, cheerfulness, and respect to you and yours,
Great post and photos! Well, I think you know me enough by now (lol) to know that is what I believe = )
Howdy! Good to see you once again. It is always nice getting a note from a friend and this was no exception. I appreciate the kind words. Hope all is well with you.
Lol, I was going to post some video, but it wouldn't take so I'll have to drop ten yards and punt..figure something else out.