Bread fried banana Nutella
Bread fried banana Nutella materials 10 sheets bread 2 bananas Lady fingers, peeled cut tiny elongated (can wear banana kepok, banana Horn etc.) to taste Nutella taste grated cheese to taste margarine, to Fry material Dye: 1 fruit eggs, shake off 5 human milk material sprinkles: 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder 4 tablespoons sugar Caster step pieces of the outskirts of bread. Pipihkan with rolling pin topical with Nutella, give 1 piece banana and grated cheese, roll mix material Dye, dip bread dibahan Dye stuff, do not banyak2 celupnya. Preheat margarine, fried bread to mature, back and forth in to four sides Yes mix material topping, gulung2 bread in material sprinkles serve
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Really interesting and short-cart recipe