When Do You Say " I QUIT"

in #quit8 years ago

I'm fed up of everything, i don't want to continue so I QUIT

To quit is to STOP, DISCONNECT, and even in some cases stop existing.To quit means to give up and to loose hope totally.

There are some threatening and overwhelming circumstances in life that may push one to think of quitting everything including life. There are times when all hope seem lost and nothing seem to be coming out of the blues, also there are times when you keep trying your best but it looks as if your best isn't good enough.

Maybe you feel where you are isn't the place you should be and you want something bigger and better. For every action in life, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Are you frustrated, Do you want change, Are you not satisfied with your present situation, Do you feel you are not worth were you are presently? What would make you say " I QUIT"




I have those days when I feel like giving up on life. Then I go to bed, get up the next day, and do everything again. It's difficult to stay positive, that's for sure.

i also have times like that. Thanks for visiting my blog