"Re"-Introductory post by @YawGh :~~~ Achievement 1
I'm Philip Baah, casually known as @YawGh and I've been an inactive steemit member for a few years, hence my Re-Introduction.
The time I spent here on steemit in 2017/2018 was nothing short of fun, entertaining and educative. The community interactions, the meetups, the outreaches, and everything we did came together to foster some healthy bond between people from different backgrounds.
I'm a Biomedical Engineering Graduate, who is currently pursuing a career path in crypto and forex space. I have interests in a wide variety of fields, and I look forward to letting myself in on the brilliant content on here, whiles I also add the little bit i have from my corner for everyone to enjoy.
Welcome back bro, i do hope you continue to complete all your achievement tasks and get familiar with the new steemit interface. Steem on.
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@nattybongo, CR-Ghana