Steem Inspiration Contest | FREEDOM AT LAST by Yeancah

in Steem Inspiration3 years ago

Hello beautiful STEEMians and thanks @supo01 for the invite.


Life is full of different attributes. Someone said the best way to learn “life” is to explore it and funny enough people have fully explore this pattern to life and to some extent, it negative part is more weighty, which makes people to talkless of it.
Fortunately for me, I was not a victim of such, but I have friends and families who became a victim of such, I'll like to tell you about my cousin, we grew up together and people call us twins because of the resemblance.
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Based on my own personal life experience, I get to know that there are people that no matter what the circumstance might be, they will never do some certain things not because they were thought not to but because this is primarily who them are (the composition of their inbuilt).
I'm also of that kind, no matter how package alcoholic drink might look like, i'll never partake and also cigarette. Their are things in life that I so much detest and that been said, that doesn't mean that I will now go in their midst because of my immunity, that will be a sorry case for me.(evil communication corrupt good manners)

Today is not about me but my cousin, we do everything together, though we didn't attend the same primary nor secondary school, but the few times we spent together we cherish it and discuss everything together.
He was social person and I was too, the only different about us was that his parent was richer than mine and so many times when he desire a thing, it's always available to him and that is the reverse in my case. Another thing again was that he doesn't wash is clothes nor do any house chores.

This was his life all the way, after our secondary school, he got admission into university of Lagos, via diploma. Diploma is very expensive compare to the normal school fees but his parent was able to afford that for him at that time, my own admission was forfeited at that time because I lost my mum and other circumstances like that which I pinpoint in my introductory post few months ago. So, the university created a barrier between us at that time, I lost communication and anytime he comes back from school, he will not come over to my place to check on me which was not his trend during our secondary school days, he left me.

On one sunny afternoon, I decided to follow some of my neighbors to the cinema to watch a movie, getting to the cinema, I saw my cousin with some guys which even look more matured/older that him and he saw me and waved at me, he couldn't come over, while I try to approach him, he snub me and move ahead with his friends. It was a painful experience but I was powerless, I couldn't do anything to stop them. I felt something was wrong, not knowing it was that gang that will be responsible for my cousin's rustication at the university.

About six months later, we got a news that some students from my cousin's university raped a student of the school, at first the news was not a matter of concern until someone called me that my cousin's name was on the national news paper alongside other students, then, I had to go back to read the news thoroughly and I realised that something bad had happen. I was very sad and I weep bitterly and I had to go immediately to their house, nobody was available. I was not mobile at that time, so I couldn't call until my mum came back from work.

After some days, we went to the police station where they were detain and I was able to talk with him, and he narrated all that went wrong for me. He got himself tangled with some "big boys" of the campus and they were doing drugs and womanizing and all sort of immoralities. They were able to influence him negatively and it affected his life, he was rusticated from the school and he was in prison for months before the parent of the affected girl had to let them go.

Year later, he got admitted into another university in Ghana but he had to start over again and he was free from all sort of life, at that time, he heard realize his mistake and doesn't need a pastor to preach to him to be free.

This was my own experience and i'll love to say drugs, alcohol and the likes can never bring real happiness, real happiness comes from the Lord and from the people of God you attribute yourself with, embracing life begins from the right choices we make.

Thank you for following through my post.


Wao! I celebrate with you your freedom @yeancah


Greetings @yeancah thanks for sharing this great teaching. Thank you that your cousin was able to start over.

Yes, thanks for the comment and vote

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