Steemchurch: Keep your Faith

in #esteem6 years ago


Never lose the Faith in God

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Never lose faith in God, because it gives us a lot of possibilities every day that sometimes by being immersed in distractions of daily life we do not see and let go, the Lord gives us daily what is necessary to live and thank the therefore, sometimes we are so committed to the world that we forget to give thanks for everything, the food we ate, or the water we drank, but even more for the air we breathe, all this coming from our ecosystem, from our nature , but who created all this for us, well, God.

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I suffer from a very degenerative and complicated illness and nowadays in my country there is not a headache pill, but I am grateful to God because he has strengthened me and despite suffering from a very negative illness, I live in joy and happiness , I do not lose faith in God to heal me, because only he can do it and I put my destiny and my life in his hands, the only thing I can do is to adore him and immerse myself in his daily grace and mercy with me, I thank @steemchurch for this new hobby, which keeps me motivated and aware of what to share and that all the friends of the community give me in the church to learn more every day of the event and the true essence of being human.

 I say goodbye with this very nice passage, perhaps already repeated but that we should never forget. 

Psalm 23

The Lord is My Shepherd
23 Psalm of David.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 In green meadows he makes me rest,
next to calm waters it takes me.
3 The Lord comforts me,
It leads me on straight roads
Honoring his name.
4 Although I walk in shady valleys
I will fear no evil,
because you are with me,
Your rod and your staff keep me calm.
5 Before me you prepare a table
in front of my enemies,
anoint my head with oil
and my cup overflows.
6 Good and kindness will be with me
every day of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord
for endless days.

This is a friend, you can never lose faith in our beloved God

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