Colorchallenge, Saturday – Indigo

This photo was taken at Duke Gardens in Durham, NC.


colorchallenge initiated by @kalemandra.

Category(Saturday Indigo )
Camera(Nikon D70)
Location(Durham, NC )

Very Beautiful

Wow. Indigo is truly one of my FAVOURIST colours. Beautiful. :)

Mine, too! There is evidence that possibly humanity couldn't see blue or had no word for it until recent history. Interesting concept, true?

I had seen that article before too. Indigo is one of the profoundly sacred colours, and we see it everywhere from the royal tombs and pyramids in Egypt, though the Celtic traditions and the solstice cairns in Ireland. Indigo was the sacred natural dye used to protect and stop the samurai from bleeding to death, and is still traditionally used all over northern Thailand. Thai farmers traditionally wear clothes dyed with natural indigo.

Oh thank you for this added information on indigo's symbolism and tradition. I love learning about these things. I've often wondered about this article and others that came out claiming that blue wasn't seen until recent history - I hear it repeated often. It has never set right with me, quite frankly. I mean, the sky is blue! Is it possible that we had some DNA/gene alteration in order to see the color? Possible. There is a child (now grown) that claims she visits heaven and paints profound works (truly) from age 4 - she also claims that on this other side beyond the veil, there are several colors that don't exist on earth. I always thought that mind sit and imagine of a color that doesn't exist. My little cockatiel is white but he has no yellow cheeks like every other cockatiel and sometimes I wonder if they are there and I just can't see them because they exist outside my see-able color spectrum. Science says that 'birds' do see more colors than people :) I'm sure that these ancient peoples were much more in-tune than we are now.

Hey @youhavewings Thank you. I am adding the HERB Indigo to my post development list - it grows abundantly here in Asia and I look forward to sharing more of its amazing properties with you - and the HORDES who will be following me by then. Haha. Clearly I need to apply coffee to my ego. :) Gratitude for the connection with you,

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