Daily Celestial Challenge- Sunday: Light - Light gives the knowledge of an existence

in #celestialchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Good day every one. This is my Sunday #celestialchallenge initiated by @sirknight.
Today I'll be talking about light in a more generic sense. Read and enjoy.

Light gives the knowledge of an existence

Light is scientifically an electromagnetic wave detectable by the human eye. We all have favourite colors and we buy clothes and bags and cars and phones with a major taste for colors but do you know that these things are not originally with colors? In fact, the default color for everything is the colorlessness of darkness. Not until the first creative utterance from The almighty did physical visibility become a most important part of existence, for He said "Let there be light" and indeed there was light. Your bags, phones, cars, clothes are all displaying your beautiful choices of color that makes you standout and confident simply because of the touch of light. in recent centuries, science have been able to get physical light from not just the sun or the other heavenly luminaries, but from electrical energy. Divine intervention don't you think?


What is more to the word?

Well as much as there is a physical Light, we have other forms of light. Light as a term could be even more conceptual than physical. Light could also be described as any thing that shows, proves or indicates the existence of something either being a fact, being. Light could refer to anything that guides us or defines a path for us. insight from our surrounding is light shedding on the fact that there is an intelligent creator. That smile she gives him when they are together is light laying bare her happiness whenever he is around. Light could come from any source. Just the fact that it shows you something, means it is light.

Can it be deceiving?

Well lets go back to the fact that our clothes show a particular color with the presence of light. Scientifically, the standard color of an object is the color of that object under white light. white light is got from the sun. Its a combination of other colors of light. What seemingly happens is that the material absorbs the some light colors or combination of light colors (depending on the pigment on its surface or the molecular structure) from the light and reflects a particular color or combination of color which becomes the the visible color of the clothe. But did you know that under different sources of physical light, your clothe would have varying colors but most variations are slightly noticeable or even go unnoticed because the light sources most common in homes and shops and offices are not too different from the kind of sun lightening.
But if one wears a red dress to a disco hall with blue lights on, the dress appears black. If one uses red lightening on a yellow painted house, the walls would appear the walls would appear red. This goes to show us that materials have fake appearances when light other than the true light is shed.

Similarly, there are fake lights too in abstract ways. She probably might just be faking the smile so as not to hurt the man. Doctrines, theories, philosophies can shed fake light on important matters or issues that make them appear in ways that re not true to their real nature. So we as Christians, workmen of an organisation, members of a club or sect, should try as much as possible to show the true nature of what we believe in and uphold as truth.

Well in the end though Light is very important to our humanity. Without light, we would function over 80% less. Remember that it was written that after God declared light, he thought to himself and saw that was good and the separated it from darkness so that there was day and night. When the sun sets it tends to naturally limit the activities of earths inhabitants but as the less illuminating power of the moon and the seemingly less illuminating power of the sun sets in, a commensurate rush takes on.
Thank you and have a blessed Sunday

Note that this is of my originality in thought and its subject to criticism and disagreement.

For those new to this challenge:

Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily theme's are:

  • Sunday-Light
  • Monday-Darkness
  • Tuesday-AnimalKingdom
  • Wednesday-Structures
  • Thursday-ForcesinNature
  • Friday-LoveBeautyFreedom
  • Saturday-Agriculture
  • Today's topic: AGRICULTURE
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