SEC-S17 /W5|My fantasy is to be Rambo

in Steem For Pakistan24 days ago

Hello, how are you everyone? A blessed day for all of us in living our lives in this world, may we always be grateful


Today I will participate in this very lively S17-W5 Steemit Engagement contest and I also invite my friend @ustazkarim @nana12 @neukyan to participate

I am very happy to be able to share my great imagination, and this is a theme that I have been waiting for a long time and bro now that I can express it I am very happy

what would your dream world look like?

I have a very beautiful and great dream world where I am a superhero like the action film actor Rambo, and I am the Rambo actor who can always be relied on to eradicate crime and free hostages.

I can imagine being strong like Rambo and having a muscular body and being feared by opponents and loved by friends and being an idol for weak people is very beautiful, especially since I can hold a machine gun and bow.


Maybe I can bring world peace with the war techniques and strength that I have, I can conquer the enemy in an instant and be tough in all terrains, whether in swamps, forests or mountains.

tell us the craziest adventure in your imagination

In my imagination, I once did something heroic, namely going on an adventure against a crime group using a machine gun and I also flew a military helicopter and shot up an enemy base.

The most tense thing was when I freed the hostage and slaughtered the group of criminals one by one with my bare hands and I saved the beautiful girl who was the hostage and the outlet for the criminals' lust.

As a super hero I received applause from many people and I became the topic of their conversation so I was very famous and popular

if you could live in a fairy tale, which would you choose and why?

Daya will choose to be the super hero Rambo who has above average strength and has the courage to act to eradicate crime, why did I choose to be Rambo? Because I can bring peace and can eradicate evil and have many fans

If you could bring one fantasy creature to life, what would it be?

Of course, I will bring to life a creature that can grant all wishes, like Doraemon or Uncle Jin, maybe like in the films that can make all wishes come true.

I would definitely be very happy if I could bring to life the imaginary creatures that I want and I could freely go here and there and do whatever I want, and of course I would definitely help everyone who is having problems, and I would become popular

I was able to meet artists with the help of Uncle Jin and I was able to fly freely in space thanks to Doraemon's help. It was definitely very exciting and my days were full of great adventures.

That's the post about my participation in this great contest, thank you for attending because it was a pleasure

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আপনার জন্য অনেক শুভেচ্ছা রইলো।
আপনি আপনার কল্পনাতে রাম্বোর মতো একজন শক্তিশালী মানুষ হতে চান। আপনি মনে করেন আপনি আপনার শক্তি দিয়ে পৃথিবীতে শান্তি আনতে পারবেন।
আপনি আপনার ফ্যান্টাসিতে একবার সামরিক হেলিকপ্টার নিয়ে মেশিনগান হাতে নিয়ে জিম্মি উদ্ধার করতে গিয়েছিলেন। সেখানে আপনি সবচাইতে সুন্দরী মেয়েটাকে বাঁচাতে একেরপর এক জনকে জবাই করতেছিলেন।
যদিও জবাই শুনে আমার কিছুটা অস্বস্তি লেগেছে। কারণ রক্তাক্ত কিছু পছন্দ করি না আমি।
তবে ডোরেমন কিংবা আঙ্কেল জিনির বিষয়ে আমিও আপনার সাথে একমত। এই দুননের যেকোন একজন থাকলে জীবন অনেক সুন্দর হয়ে যেত।
আপনি প্রতিটা প্রশ্নের উত্তর খুব সুন্দর ভাবে দিয়েছেন। প্রতিযোগিতায় আপনার সফলতা কামনা করছি।

Yes, I can understand that, most women don't like scenes of massacre and blood, unlike men, thank you for coming🙏

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Luar biasa Adoe ingin jadi Rambo. Pemberani dan pembela negeri penuh kesatria. Tak perlu ramai-ramai cukup satu Rambo sudah mampu memporak-porandakan satu negeri..Indonesia butuh Rambo-rambo yang nyata dalam rangka menjaga kedaulatan NKRI

Hi hi hi😁 terimakasih bang

 24 days ago 


Congratulations! This post has been voted through steemcurator05. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere and any tags.


Curated by : @chant

I read your post and I really liked the way you talked about your word dream that you want to be a strong person like Rambo and bring peace and happiness to your word dream because of your power. Because of this power you can bring and you shared the story of a girl who was being slaughtered to save her, people were worried about her because of the blood. It's very good what you said about the fantasy, you have told two different characters, I agree with you, you are absolutely right, if we do like them, we will definitely succeed in our goal in our imagination.Best of luck for this contest thank you so much will take care of you 💕

Thank you very much for visiting, nice to meet you

 22 days ago 

Wow your adventurus fantasy to being a supers hero like Rambo article enjoying bringging peace and saving lives. Your imaggination knows no boundes &best of luck..

Thank you very much, nice to meet you


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