My father doesn't put stock in steemit

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I figure the greater part of you have just experienced this and you can thoroughly identify with this post. Here's an account of my endeavor to persuade my father to join steemit. :P

My father is a central in a school and he is possessed with his work more often than not. Along these lines, I thought acquainting him with this group would enable him to dispose of work pressure by one means or another and he would appreciate imparting musings and communicating to individuals here. In this way, I enlightened him concerning steemit. Furthermore, it was nothing unexpected to me that he didn't trust it.

I revealed to him that we get paid for composing great substance here yet he rather reverse discharges me saying "In the event that it was so natural to acquire, everybody on the planet would most likely leave their activity and simply begin composing and posting here." I endeavored to influence him to see however he attempted to caution me. He thought it's a trick and I'd been caught by somebody. He let me know not to squander my opportunity on this and put it in accomplishing something profitable. He wasn't prepared to hear what I was clarifying. He even instructed me to visit the specialist to get checked on the grounds that he thought I was having some issue. (He wasn't not kidding about that however. :p).
He needed to know how we just got cash in financial balances out of the blue. What's more, I attempted to clarify him about the blockchain and digital currency and how it functions and yakkity yak. Be that as it may, at that point he wasn't likewise prepared to hear. He approached me for prove when I revealed to him that my companions have been paying for college expenses with the cash made on steemit. He solicited me to demonstrate some kind from explanation of bank that demonstrated cash in steemit being exchanged to the individual's record. What's more, I revealed to him I would give him the confirmation after I earned a respectable sum and pulled back that cash. None of my relatives has truly trusted it. Also, I'm holding up to demonstrate them wrong, particularly father.

When I had first caught wind of steemit from my companion, I was very astounded however I didn't respond like this by any stretch of the imagination. I get it's simply the human instinct that we don't generally believe anybody or anything any longer once we've been deceived. As I was enlightening my father concerning steemit, he informed me regarding how he had been tricked before like that. Also, it's actual that that are different sites which have ended up being tricks. Also, that is the reason he wasn't prepared to trust me. The measure of protection he was demonstrating was somewhat frustrating however. However, I'm anticipating really demonstrating him this.

I trust the great individuals of steemit can enable me to illuminate my great hesitant father.


I actually just went through a similar situation with my father.
I told him shortly after I discovered it a little over a year ago, and he was very skeptical, I kept working at him and around 5 months ago I asked him to let me post some of his work on there if he didn't want to make his own account, he said okay and I posted his photography which was received very well.

He still didn't join. Not until my account value went way up did he really start taking it more seriously. His main concern was similar, in that he thought maybe it was some sort of scam and he wanted proof and me to take money out.. Which.. I was prepared to do and was going to do.. But then I ended up just putting it back into steem, lol.

The logic I used that I think helped a lot was this..
I told him that I've never once heard of someone "not being able to cash out".. You'd think in all this time, someone would have made a YouTube video or something proving that it's a scam.. But that's not the case, there's very little out there. And I've never seen anyone who hasn't been able to cash out in that sense.

Whether it is some kind of scam remains to be seen, but.. Right now.. Plenty of people are using it to make a lot of money. And.. it might continue to grow and be something like Facebook someday, which would make early adopters be in a much better position, especially in terms of potential monetary gains into the future.

If I was you, I'd tell him stuff like that and offer to help him as much as you can. Tell him to just give it a try, what's the worst that could happen, he might actually like it. :)

Anyways.. Hope any of that helps! My father did end up signing up recently, and I didn't even have to ask this time.. He asked me. And he's been doing pretty good on here so far!
Cheers and good luck.

Thank you for your compliment .. hope so !! follow me sir .. i will follow back you :)

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