My Accomplishment And Failures So Far In The First Half Of 2022 And My Expectation For The Second Half

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Greetings to everyone, I'm elated as usual to be blogging here on this platform and also earning a few $. Appreciation to campus connect for the contest, you guys have been churning in great episodes every week. Kudos.
Anytime I hear about accomplishments, I'm always a bit nervous and uneasy on myself because most times, our accomplishments or what we intend to achieve do not necessarily depend on us, but also hinges on some factors like resources, enabling ecosystem, and time factor.
As humans, we often have high aspirations as to what we intend to accomplish over a specified period of time. when we are unable to meet this target due to one thing or the other, we regard it as failure on our part.
My Achievements and Failure in the first half of 2022.
I'm going to be very sincere and honest while stating my points here. The first half of the year was not nice in a way, I didn't hit my targets, but I'm still glad I was able to make some strides in some areas I never planned for. Few will be listed below.
Acquisition of WHO certification: sequel to the industrial action embarked upon by the academic staff union of universities, I took and completed some courses on open WHO website. Some of the courses I completed include; cognitive response and management, malaria elimination in Africa, and inequality monitoring in HIV and tuberculosis. In the period under review, I was able to obtain certification for this courses and more.
Digital skill
During the period under review, I was also able to acquire some digital skills like video editing, content writing, and website design. I'm not yet a pro in this area, but at least I've gathered great knowledge on this areas which will help me soar if I decide to go in full time on any of those.
My failures
The major failure I encountered during the months under review was my inability to proceed to another level in school, no thanks to the current state of academia in Nigeria crippled by the intermittent ASUU strikes.
I've also failed in the area of financial targets. From my projections, I wanted to be financially stable before the first half of the year elapsed, unfortunately, this could not be achieved as many structures I put on ground didn't bring out the required results.
My Expectations for the Second Half.
Just like a Greek philosopher who said "failure is just another opportunity to try again", I intend to put more efforts to achieve some of the things I couldn't in the last five months. The chief amongst all is financial stability of which I intend to strike this cord before the year runs out. I also look forward to earning from a few skills I've acquired.
Lastly, I would love to complete my penultimate level in school, although I know this doesn't solely depend on me as we're in a toxic academic environment, but I sincerely hope to accomplish this as I don't want to still remain in school this time next year.
What will you do in the second half to make things work well.
So many targets on my mind, but I can only do my best and leave the rest for God. Firstly, I intend to create value for myself in the various areas I've studied about so I can have something tangible to offer to prospective clients. Since its only value that attracts people, I intend to make strides in the health field which is my primary constituency and also create value from the few skills I've acquired.
I know this does not only depend on me, many factors also needs to fall in place to make things work out nicely as projected. However, I will put my best to see to it that things work.
Most great achiever today encountered failure at one point or the other in their life. Failure only presents us with the opportunity to make things right.
I might not be where I wanted to be by now, but I'm glad am not were I was five months ago.
Hello, this post does not fall under the #fintech area. Please use this tag only in your finance and technology related content.
Okay, thanks for your assertion @pelon53
It was stated in the contest that all entries should use the #fintec tag since it as to do with accomplishments which is finance related. Other contest entries have also been curated by the team. Thanks all the same as I believe you'll look into it again.
Kind regards.
Pero debes enfocar tu publicación en el tema de las fiannzas, y poco hablas de este tema. Por esa razón tu contenido es irrelevante para la etiqueta #fintech. Gracias
I never knew that WHO offered courses. That's wonderful!
I wish you the best of luck in the contest.
Yes they do my friend
Thanks for dropping by and kind regards
You have written well dear, you have mentioned your failures, achievements and expectations for this half year, please keep it up friend.
Thanks for the compliment
I really appreciate. I'll try my best to keep up.
Kind regards dear friend
You have great achievements, having skills alone is a very good one, because what people seek for now is value, and if we don't acquire value, we won't achieve success.
Sure you are right dear, people with value are the most sought after this days. You must have something to offer if you wanna be successful.
Thanks for dropping by dear, I do appreciate.