Inscrutable - A short story
Pink rose by GoranH in Pixabay
James never knew when he became a bully, but it happened and he enjoyed it. But, one day his annoying attitude in class changed and he started to be appreciated in a different way. At first he thought it was wrong, that it was a distortion he didn't like, that he was himself, not what others wanted to make of him, but he let himself see where this was going.
He realized that his penchant for bullying had become more of a a burden than a game and he stopped enjoying it. Now, everything was changing, everyone expected him to regulate the motivational climate in the classroom, even the kids he was teasing were laughing at his jokes:
"Now the birds are chasing the shotguns," he told Jonah, his personal lieutenant and clown.
But there were days when he woke up in a different mood and was confused, neither one nor the other, and he was a little worried and distant.
No one was afraid to be his perfect target anymore because something in his expression had changed, he didn't know what, but now it was inspiration instead of bad temper. His every joke flourished in the classroom and outside it as a compliment or an encouraging phrase and he thrived as an influential one, so much so that he now had imitators.
(End of five minutes)
What made such a wonderful and seemingly unintended change? He didn't even know himself. But what at first bothered him now became his source of power, a power greater than that which he wielded when he bothered the weakest.
Something inside him changed, something he didn't see coming but which changed his life: the death of his mother. An event that broke him and he tried to hide it.
His mother was a business coach, her job was to facilitate the motivation of the group to achieve the goals set, motivate workers and thus contribute to their satisfaction in the professional and personal. And, that, instinctively, was achieving James with his classmates and made his radius of influence jump to social networks.
It seems that his mother, from the beyond, directs his speeches, the synchrony between words and feelings he wants to awaken in others and even the how, when, where and with whom to act to improve his life and that of others.
Losing a mother can cause incalculable trauma to some sentient beings, especially children. But who would have suspected that James who was so rebellious had such sensitivity in store for him and would begin to emerge after adversity? He stopped being a spoiled child to take care of himself.
- They say that the ways of the Lord are inscrutable and something negative that happens to someone actually has a positive connotation or at least a motive.
In response to @mariannewest in Day 922: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: bully