Restoration: Turn Back To The Father

in HeartChurch4 years ago



John 3:17: For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved

The father sent his one and only begotten son to the world to save the world and not to condemn it.
The main purpose of Jesus Christ coming to earth was to redeem and restore the lost sheep back to the father, back to the way of life, the path of truth and righteousness.
His coming wasn't for the saints but for sinners.
If Jesus Christ only came for the saints then of what use was his coming?

His coming wasn't for condemnation but for redemption and restoration.
His coming was for the lost, the sinners. He took our sins, iniquities, he bore our guilt and shame.

The previous verse of John 3 says For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life
To those who believe in Jesus Christ even the lost, the afflicted, the sinners they might have everlasting life.

The father so loved us that he offered his only son to die for us, to take our place even He who knew no sin. What manner of love that the father bestow on us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

Some of us who were redeemed and restored of God have gone back to our old ways, we have deserted Christ and the gospel.
We have gone astray, derail from the path of truth, the way of life.
Yet God has not condemned us. He still loves us and desires the best for us.
For the thoughts he has for us are that of good and not of evil to give us all an expected end.

Why not go back to the father? Jesus Christ is our mediator, he will plead the father on our behalf. He will redeem and restore us back to the father, back the way of life, the path of righteousness.
All we have to do is to go to him in prayers and he will surely hear us out. He won't neglect us.
For the scripture says that God will not despise the cries of His people.

Turn back to the father if you have miss out of his path, his ways which leads to eternal life.
He won't condemn you neither will he despise you.
He loves you and keeps calling out to you everyday, everytime.
He wants you back as his own, he is waiting for you.
Just turn back to the father. Be redeemed of him and be restored back to him

Remain Blessed!
