Contest Review Tools Authorized Apps Session V by @zzzinnn

A7083AFC-E420-4126-8AAA-10630CA44213.png Cover Photo: Edited by myself in Canva


Authorized Apps -

From the thorough research I have done on the steemworld’s Authorized Apps tool, I have been able to come out with the following findings.


Steemworld was developed by the famous witness, the ever dependable @steemchiller, as a tool for Steemit users to be able to delve deeper into their steemit accounts and explore more details about their accounts and also perform certain operations on their Steemit accounts, which are not available directly on the Steemit blockchain.
Setting an account authority is only one of the numerous accounts operations that one can perform on the steemworld tool.

In this post, I would tell you more about account authorities, authorized apps, how to set them, and how to log in to your steemworld account.


How to sign in to your steemworld account

First of all, in order access the Authorized Apps properly it’d be best that you log in to your steemworld account. As this would show you information on your own accounts authorities.

To sign in to your steemworld account without it taking you straight to your account statistics you need to enter the url like this
Make sure to not have any extensions in the url.


Tap on Sign In to open the sign in pop up menu.


The pop up menu appears. Enter you steemit username and posting key to sign in.


You are now signed in to your steemworld account. Now you can explore and the tools steemworld comes with in your name.




The authorized apps tool makes it possible for you as a Steemit user to give consent or authority or permission to other Steemit accounts(personal/business/DApps) to use your account to perform certain operations on your behalf. These permissions(authority) given are termed Authority Roles.

There are three(3) Authority Roles which are;

  • Posting Role
    The posting role gives them the authority to make posts and also be able to vote on posts on your behalf.

  • Active Role
    The active role, as the name implies(active key purposes), if you want them to be able to transfer funds across the blockchain on your behalf then active role is the authority you give.

  • Owner Role
    I would say this is the most sensitive role of all because this gives the “ownership authority”. The owner role is like handing someone else your Steemit Owner keys. You do know the owner can be used to change the master key right ? So just imagine.

The above roles describes the permissions/authorities you can give to other accounts on your account.


For the purpose of testing, I have given the account @zzzinnn(which is myself, for safety reasons), a posting role on my account.


How to give authority/permission to another account/user/app


First tap here as shown in the screenshot above.


Next enter the name of the account that you want to grant the permissions to.


Finally, enter you Active Key to confirm.

You’re done.

The said account now have your posting permissions; meaning they can use your account to write posts and also vote on posts.


Description of features

These are some of the features you will see when you open the Authorized Apps tool.


The above picture(screenshot) shows the authorized apps’ accounts (highlighted in red square box) and their corresponding authorizing users.


Here, we show the app,, their authorizing users and the corresponding roles given by the authorizing users, the weight and the time stamp of their authorization.


Here, we show the corresponding authorizing users of the apps on the left.


Here, we show the time stamps of the last account actions of the corresponding apps.



From my study I have come to realize that Authorized Apps works in the same vein as what we refer to as Curation Trail.
In curation trail you give an account the permission to curate(vote) posts on your behalf, like the Posting Role for authorized apps.


Thank you 🙏🏿


My achievement 1 post

 3 years ago 

You are the winner of the Contest Reviews Tools Authorized Apps Session V and your post has been curated by @booming.

 3 years ago 

amazing writing work that you made and useful for all.


Terimakasih sudah berpartisipasi dalam kontes ini semoga sukses selalu buat anda sobat
