Freya is not Frigg 3

in Account Booster 👍last year

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Profile photo for David Morris
David Morris
· Feb 25
Bro. On a pure, human, compassionate level is just want tk sincerely say this:

You're worrying me.

I think you may be overthinking some works of fiction here. Especially with God of War. Historical inaccuracies, mythological inaccuracies, these are generally accepted in story telling.

Top Gun Maverick is extremely inaccurate about what the Navy would do in its situation. It is a good story though. So no one cares.

The Martian is inaccurate about the wind on Mars. It is a good story though. So no one cares.

God of War is a game where Loki is the grandson of Zeus. So why are you taking it so seriously and…angrily if, for their version of the myth, Freya and Frigg are one? Oh, and Slepneir is missing. So what?Is it really worth a 20 page essay of a rant that ~wildly~ diverges from the topic? Bro, please, let's calm down.

Is it ASD? OCD? I know what being neurodiverse is like so you have my compassion bro.

By all means, write a script. Instead of hating on popular franchises, give the world a compelling story where, in your version, Freya and Frigg are separate entities. Okay?

Profile photo for Demon Saiyan Crusher Corpz
Demon Saiyan Crusher Corpz
· Feb 25
Uhh. No. It’s not ASD or OCD. I have neither. Psychiatry and psychology is a jewish, talmudic black magic industry. I am thorough when I pick apart something that is wrong. “Nothing wrong with that”

You’re absolutely right about one thing. I DO take it extremely seriously, when my Aryan Goddess, FREYA! Is involved. And when the games story, DENIGRATES and desecrates my sacred Goddess. Thank you very much. Yes you’re right I take that very very seriously. Get the details right, or don’t use her in the story, AT ALL!

And your compassion is not warranted. You are merely engaging in the typical psychological dismissive response. It’s actually very disingenuous and is intended to discredit anything I say. Despite the mountains of evidence.

You’re assuming it must be based on some mental illness that is a fraud in the first place. They tried in high school to label me ASD. Aspergers or Autistic, either one. They failed. The last one I had to go and see, admitted and agreed with me that I’m not Autistic. If I had of believed the principal, and my grandparents, and my mum, in the car ride home one day, and agreed to take some pills my grandmother suggested me to take “for my own good” and turned on the waterworks when I refused, which is psychological manipulation and I accuse her of trying that on purpose. If I had of not been defiant, I would’ve been put on pills, that I didn’t need. Having a high I.Q, being smarter than the teachers, is not Autism. My I.Q was 143, at 13. I’m 35. I have to say what my I.Q was. I don’t generally brag about my I.Q but it needs mentioning here. They try to tell us that’s a “symptom of Autism” A HIGH I.Q! Or high I.Q at an early age. What?

The DSM 5 or whatever else can say whatever it likes, that doesn’t make it so. The DSM 5 tried to classify all human emotions as “Mental Illnesses” Take your psychological analysis, and shove it. That’s the problem here. The way you talk, you look like a normie to me. We are speaking two different languages. And I, am on a whole other level of not being a “normie” 99% of the conspiracy theorists out there, look like normies to me. I’m on a whole other level, in a whole other Realm. While they use these stupid terms like “I’M RED PILLED! BAASED MAN!” I’m just…I’m beyond them. Far beyond them. While they run around in circles, chasing conspiracies, debating details on




The Illuminati was a hoax by Leo Taxal. Lmao.


Noooo. The Oy Veys run Hollywood.

“SATANIC CULTS!” No they’re Talmudic cults. Satanism is a smokescreen for all that. So you have your Stephen FAGGOT Crowders and anyone like him on Rumble, screaming about Satanic cults abusing kids. Child trafficking all this stuff. When it’s really the Talmudic OY VEYS. And Satanism, the whole deal, is a deflection. A smokescreen.

So I’m out here mocking 99% of conspiracy theorists. So don’t go lumping me in with them.

And I’m not woke either. As I’m sure you’ve ascertained.

Left right paradigm is all nonsense.

And, ahhahaha, if you think that like, Freya, or the “Norse Gods” They’re not “Norse Gods” They’re Aryan Gods, not just the Norse. But if you think they are “woke” ahhahahhaahhahahahhaah….HA HA HA HA HA HA! I see it. On jewtube I see youtubers like The Norse Witch. Yeah news flash. Freya says F your pronouns. And I don’t “hate to break it to ya” Freya says F your pronouns. Oh yeah. The Ehwaz Rune. Look it up.

Read the rest on my quora post.