Freya is not Frigg 5

in Account Booster 👍last year

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Profile photo for David Morris
David Morris
· Feb 29
The fact is Santa Monica and Marvel respectively studios are sitting on a mountain of money and no one cares about your complaints to a random guy on the internet in the form of a needlessly long book (that diverges into various subrants that are completely off topic) because it's a work of fiction and people are allowed to adapt fiction to fit their story telling.

You may as well nitpick every variant of Superman or Spiderman's story.

Normally there's an Uncle Ben. In the MCU there is no Uncle Ben; Tony stands as surrogate. No one cares. It serves the story.

Loki is the grandson of Zeus. Huh. That's different for the GoW version. Neat. forks over money

The overwhelming majority of people understand variantion. That you do not to the response of wasting hours ranting on it clearly indicates that there's something off about you. I suspect high functioning autism. Please get yourself checked out. God bless.

It doesn’t matter what you suspect. You believe in ZOG Zionist Occupied Government Psychiatry and Psychology. That is talmudic black magic based on books of jewish mysticism. It has no validity on that basis. I sent you the video with the evidence on that. It’s not my fault if you won’t get educated by looking at it. Psychiatry and psychology is MIND, CONTROL. And any parent that sends their child to one of them, that is child abuse.

You base your assumption on lies that they have decided are “symptoms” so your assumption is standing on a flimsy foundation.

The facts remain the same. You said this. You thought this, for real, because you saw it in the game. So you thought that’s how the story really was about Freya. You thought this.

“I thought nothing was set in stone about Norse mythology, and that there's plenty of evidence that allows one to conclude that Freya and Frigg are the same Goddess just as there's evidence that they're not. It's not like Freya and her brother Freyr or anything.

Either way, in the Marvel comic version Freya is Thors stepmom. In the God of War version, Frigg is an aesir alias Odin made up so any accomplishments his Vanir wife made would be attributed to the aesir. Nothing wrong with that.”

And you were wrong. The facts remain the same. I am right. You are wrong.

And trying to accuse me of a mental illness, doesn’t take away from the fact that you, were, wrong.

And they were wrong. And it’s a disgrace. And I will heap ridicule and scorn upon those who deserve it.

And Tabitha shares the same sentiment. I heard her say this today on her show, so I’m adding this into my comment. Then maybe you’ll get the point. I will ridicule these filthy Oy Veys that made this hollywood trash.

Tabitha: “Hail to all of you who descended upon the trailer of that filthy Santa Inc movie made by those spiteful jackals. One of Odins names translates into the Yule-Father. Santa is a very Odinic figure and represents all that is holy and good about christmas or Yule. He is the magic christmas elf and embodies the good will among men. He is often depicted in a floppy hat and walking stick. Generally accompanied by a pair of wolves, dogs and birds. He is an archetype of nature and gift giving. Santa Claus is a sacred symbol of ‘folk identity’. He is not black, gay, trans, foul-mouth or immoral. Any subversive reptile that tries to defile OUR Father Yule, deserves open and unrelenting hostility. Hail Santa Claus”

And that’s how I feel about marvel, and GoW Ragnarok, defiling Freya AND Odin. But especially Freya. And they do it on purpose. To defile our sacred Gods and Goddesses. Santa Inc is another example of “them” defiling our European Gods and Goddesses. I take it a tad more seriously than you. Cuz I know what they’re doing. The Oy Veys run hollywood, news, media, games, all of it. It’s on purpose. GoW being a big popular title. What “they” want you to eat up. I play much more obscure games. And watch much more obscure shows. In other words, I’m too good for that stuff. DBZ and its sequels being my exception. I watch like…Orphen. Slayers. Saiyuki. Saint Seiya…Tenkuu Shinki Shurato. I can’t be told, what I’m supposed to like, by the talmudvision.

“The fact is Santa Monica and Marvel respectively studios are”

Uh uh uh shakes my finger I don’t care. They both depict Freya wrong. I’m going to set the record straight for my Goddess. Not shut up and be silent about it and let it slide no no.

And I doubt they know anything about what I’ve told you. You didn’t know. I’m sure they didn’t know either. Oh oh “they are allowed to adapt fiction to fit their storytelling”

This is not fiction. Their marvel and GoW are fiction. But Freya and Woden, are not fiction.
So what? I don’t have to like it! I’m mocking them for the terrible job they did.


Hel Freya Frigg


So many people know. So why don’t they? Oh marvel just did a quick google search and clicked on Norse Mythology for Smart People? Who ironically get it wrong. Cuz they’re so “smart” right. What a smug name for their website.

I don’t like marvels and GoW stories involving Freya, Odin, Thor. So I’ll insult them. Bite me.

I was insulting marvel and GoW Ragnarok. Not you. You believed their lies. You thought, you said.

You ‘thought’ nothing was set in stone about them. I corrected you. That’s the facts.

Here’s another little fact about Frigg and Freya being different. Yet another one. From the old Yule celebrations. Y’know, the thing X-mas stole, hijacked, culturally appropriated even. Changing certain Gods into Saints like Frey or Freyr into some gayass saint. I forget his name and don’t bloody care what it is. That insult was done away with by the 16th century anyway.

And that’s just one of the details! But, gotta keep it short for you don’t I? With your short attention spans you all have these days. WIth your jewtube shorts and sh!t-toks and Instag@y reels. Why are you watching marvel movies anyway? They’re woke. Go watch something good like the 90s Judge Dredd.

But now we’re going to have another lesson on X-mas stealing from OUR European Gods. And how fake their guardian angels and us becoming angels at all, is. Pay attention! There is noooo such thing as a guardian angel.

“Angels, we all know, were actually based off of European Deities. Like Eros or The Swan Maidens. The idea of a “guardian angel” or people becoming angels in heaven, is a folkloric adaption of a European idea of Ancestral Spirits and Apotheosis. In other words those “angels” on the tree, represent the ancestors looking down on us. NOT a X-ian symbol, in, the slightest. And of course, ‘they’ invert, pervert, subvert, EVERYTHING. And since it has a little glimmer of our ancestral past, those of our race who are blindsided, fall into the decay of the spiritual suicide that X-ianity, is.”

Now back to Freya and Frigg.

So. “Nothing set in stone” right?

12 Nights of Yule.

First night of Yule (December 20th)

Mother Night, Sacred to Frigg, Freyja and the Desir

“To our mother Nerthus, to whom we live upon and on, to our mother Frigg, keep our household whole and safe, to our mother Freyja, great Dis and Valiant Van. To our Ancestors, grandmothers and great all. The line of woman goes back from Elmbla and forward until Leifthansa. Strength and courage were theirs and may it always be so. For our Desir, we hail you one and all. Proud possessors of the family luck. Bless us in the coming year! Hail the Goddesses! Hail the Ancestors! Hail the Desir!”

Will there be anything else?