German Shepherd in Pastel by DianesArt

in #art8 years ago

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The German Shepherd is one of the most beautiful and intelligent dogs to capture in pastel.

Out of the 100 most popular dog breeds, German Shepherds rank the 3rd most intelligent.
They are incredibly smart and learn simple tasks after only a few repetitions. They are great working dogs that need to be kept active and fit all the time.

I have spent hours of joy training my German Shepherds, only to reap great rewards. They are very protective, loving and are great watch dogs. They respond well to key words, vocal tones and body language.

I have read of countless reports of loyal German Shepherds never leaving their owner in times of sickness, injury and even death. Scientists have also shown that German Shepherds respond to human distress and tears and they will naturally try and reassure a distressed person.
Unfortunately their lives are very short, a mere 9-13 years but their companionship so rewarding.

In South Africa, German Shepherds are trained and used on foot patrols to track poachers and search for snares and firearms. The dogs can work at night when human trackers are not able to, due to a lack of visibility.

As poaching is becoming more high-tech in South Africa, anti-poaching methods have had to become more creative. The German Shepherd breed has now taken to the skies as well.
They are being specifically trained to jump out of helicopters and skydive with their handlers so they can quickly land and start tracking when poachers are reported.

A true hero and loyal companion to have that you will never forget.

(In Memory of 'Guy')

Original Pastel Drawing by Dianesart


Hitler did a painting of a German Shepard. His dog was called Blondi or something...

Interesting ... I did not know that. charlie.wilson

Nice post. Fantastic artwork. I knew this particular dog all his life and can testify that this is a perfect portrait, in my opinion.

Thank you very much graviton.

Really beautiful! My GSD is 3 years old now. I love my Odee Boy! Thanks for sharing this. :)

very cool,maybe you interesting my work

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