Beauty of Creativity : Apis Trigona "Linot" Lebah Madu Klancing
Good afternoon all friends #BOC.
Trigona honey bee is a small insect that is now widely cultivated by farmers, its honey is rich in health benefits, No wonder we see a lot of honey from bee cultivation being sold in various markets.
In Malay or Indonesian, this Trigona is called the Lebah madu Kelulut or Klancing However, local people often refer to it by the name Linot, when I found it flying in the jasmine tree, I immediately approached to take some photos.
Most bees are docile and only sting when they are irritated. The sting needles of bees are sharp and toxic, and people will obviously feel pain after being stung. Some bees may also cause swelling, redness, fever and itching. Some sensitive people may experience more severe symptoms or even death.
This little bee is very active in flying so it's a bit difficult to photograph it, you have to be patient waiting for the right moment when it lands on a leaf or tree trunk, here are some photos that I have documented, I hope you like it.
Trigona is one of the largest genera of stingless bees, comprising about 32 species,[1] exclusively occurring in the New World, and formerly including many more subgenera than the present assemblage; many of these former subgenera have been elevated to generic status.
📷 Picture | Smartphone |
Capture Using | POCO X3 Pro + Macrolens |
Category | Animal Photography |
Location | Pidie Jaya-Aceh |
Editing | Photoshop Express |
So many posts today hope you like my photos, thank you for visiting my page, see you in the next post, greetings from me @setia.budi.
madu linet terbaik 👍
Terima kasih @diarhd
Wowww amazing master kuhh
Beujeut cok ie linet bang beh.
Jroh, ta pelara be jai bah jet mangat ta nikmati madu linot
Sino bak kamo na bang, neujak keno
Jeut pajan2 bereh nyan
Siap brother hood.
bereh bang..the kelulut ahhaha
Terimoeng geunaseh
very good picture, you are very wise to take it, thank you for sharing this perfect picture my brother
Terima kasih brother