People are being forced to get Vaccinated , Is this the violation of Human Rights...?

in Best of India4 years ago

We all have suffered alot due to covid-19 and i am going to talk about one of the problems that people are facing atleast in my country.

There are so many vaccines that were created to fight the covid-19 virus , and many people are now vaccinated from these vaccines already.

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So in my country many government as well as private companies have asked their employees to get vaccinated. Now this is not a request and so people who are not vaccinated are facing so much of problem.

One of my uncle has received a notice and he has been asked to get vaccinated if he wants the salary for his work. Yes you heard it right , people are threating about not giving the salaries to their employees if they are not vaccinated.

In some places the people who are not vaccinated are not allowed to enter the basic shops for buying daily use items. The shopkeeper says that if you are not vaccinated i won't sell anything to you.

There are various other cases as well that were reported and thankfully there was a great help by the Supreme Court of India itself.

The supreme court says that people can not be forced to get vaccinated and if someone is forcing their employees or workers to get vaccinated it is not at all right. people have right to choose and reject anything be it vaccine.

The supreme court has also asked for the data of vaccines that are in use. And supreme court has even cleared this , no matter if the vaccine is not harmful , you can not force anyone to get vaccinated.

I don't stop anyone from getting vaccinated , it is the right of a person to get vaccinated or reject it. But there are people who don't understand this and want everyone to get vaccinated.

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There are so many theories about these vaccines and people are worried about getting vaccinated , also most importantly these are not at all tested properly so that is also one of the reasons.

what are your thoughts on this , should people be forced to get vaccinated or it should be upto oneself to decide about it.

Do share your opinions in the comment below , Thank you.


Not at all the violation of human rights. people should understand their responsibility. you can't blame the government all the time. We, Indians, should understand the importance of vaccination. @kamranrkploy

yes , you are right but should people be forced to get vaccinated and fined for not getting vaccinated ?

If you say the Vaccinated is a violation, then spreading disease is also a violation, everyone should understand the responsibilities of their role for society, if you skip the vaccine you will be the cause of making innocent the victims of the disease. This is my opinion, I appreciate your bold topic. #affable

Very sad times of covid are going on, we believe that everyone should get vaccine in the time of covid because it is beneficial for us and other people, I believe that it is necessary to get vaccine.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us
Nice diary from your side
Stay safe and keep posting


Government is trying to vaccinate everyone. How it can be a violation of human rights. They aren't giving you poisoned injection.

If this is, then just think about those who will get infected by these people who didn't take vaccine. Then who will be responsible. We all will blindly blame government for this.

I think it shouldn't be a human right violation..


We have to believe our medical gods ,on thier mercy so many people cured n saved :)
Medical experts to say about the vaccines
Quality :)
Pls updates of your diary n stay safe

@kamarsnrkploy #affable