Cannabinoids: Drug or Medication?

in #cannabis7 years ago

Here is discussed the use and abuse of cannabinoids, because it concerns the problems that often occur around us. In the first part, the use of cannabis is described as a natural remedy in ancient civilizations. They then transfer the current use of cannabinoids to medical care, including innovative strategies for the treatment of diseases such as multiple sclerosis or cancer pain. Next, we see how the discovery and characterization of the endocannabinoid system allow us to better understand the operating modes of this system. The indiscriminate and excessive use of marijuana is now a major public health problem.
Advances in the scientific field are closely related to adverse health effects shown in preclinical and clinical studies based on the psychotic and addictive nature of these compounds. In the third section, there is a general overview of the discovery of recent endocannabinoid systems using animal models with proposed molecular mechanisms and possible interactions with other neuromodulator systems such as opioid systems. Finally, through an alternative strategy for the treatment of cannabinoids and synthetics today, we try to reconcile the benefits of using cannabinoids for treatments and addictive properties.

Cannabis as a medicine

Cannabis is an annual plant species belonging to the Carapace family plant. In the classification of plants, this species contains only the genus L. Sativa L. Divided into 3 subtypes: rodelares, sativa, and indica. Cannabis sativa is one of the plants planted by humans since ancient times. Cannabis is produced in China and is taken in fiber, which is used to make paper, chains, textiles, and ropes, and it has been around since the 4th century BC. The fruit has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy and has been known since 2700 BC, but it is only known from mouth to mouth only. Therapeutic use was reported in the first century of the Christian era, marijuana primarily used for the treatment of female reproductive disorders, rheumatic pain, malaria, and constipation.

Cannabis is commonly used throughout Asia in religious rituals. Treatments for a cough, nicotine, gastrointestinal, appetite, antispasmodic, anticonvulsants in India also use cannabis. Cannabis in many countries is known to be prohibited by law. Consumption of psychological effects is very popular in the United States as the emergence of jazz music that occurred around the 1950s. In the 1960s to 1970s marijuana was also very popular among young hippies. In modern society, the use of marijuana is often underestimated, whereas users reach 3.9% at the age between 15 to 64 years.


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The cannabinoid is an active ingredient in marijuana or marijuana, otherwise known as THC. This compound stimulates the healing ability in the body so it can fight cancer cell malignancy.

Currently the term 'marijuana' in common language is a mixture of dried concoction In particular, flowering leaves, leaves and stems of adult female plants (marijuana) commonly used as hempwort. Har extracts of compressed flower heads called "marijuana" or "fragmentation" are also consumed and stronger than marijuana. It is interesting that the cannabis sativa plant contains more than 400 different chemical compounds, including more than 60 special bottle tones from cannabis plants. These particles are called phytocannabinoids. The most effective are (-) - 9-9-tetradrocannabinol (9-9-thec), which was purified and isolated in 1964 by team Rafael Michelam. This molecule is the most important psychological component of cannabis marijuana and is therefore responsible for most of the psychological and physical effects of cannabis use. It has been described as a partial agonist of two cannabis receptors, CB1 and CB2 (see below). Other cannabis active ingredients are (-) - 88-tetradrocannabinol (88-thac), cannabinol (KBN) and cannabidiol (liver). 88-thak slightly less powerful than 9-9-thak-kbn, which is found on the floor in very small quantities. Psychosocial effects without the liver and most other effects such as 9-9-THC, but have other interesting features such as antidepressants, antiques, antinosia and antisfrovascular properties.

Other 9-9 vetocannabinoids may have additional effects, synergies or conclusions with 9-9 reactions, which can alter their actions when the use of marijuana is a mixture of medicinal plants. It should be noted that the contents of 9-9-thec can vary greatly in the origin of the plant and in this type of marijuana preparation.

From 9 to 9 these are the most important cannabis active ingredients, sophisticated cultivation methods, and technology for genetic matrix technology have been developed to increase the 9-9 trichine content and to improve the efficacy of marijuana. According to the relative contents of 9 to 9 years and liver, cannabis plants are divided into three types: medium-sized "plant" plants (9-9-thak / liver = 1) plants (medium-sized 9-9 thak / liver = 1) "fiber" (9-9-thak / liver <1). In addition to the relative content of different phytocannabinoids, consumption habits also affect the effects of cannabis.

Methods for cannabis use

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Although marijuana is often mixed with tobacco, it is then thrown and sucked as "joints", but can also be consumed in other ways. Smoking can be made from pipes or even "cubes" by inhaling the mass of plants or resins that are lit in plastic bottles. In addition, they are consumed in the form of candy or cooked in cookies (cookies, cookies). In the latter case, marijuana is mixed with butter into "butter marijuana", also called "cannabuttre" or "marrakech butter", and then mixed with other bread ingredients ("space pie").

Finally, cannabis extract can rarely be won. Unlike other drugs that can also be injected, marijuana is not suitable for intravenous use because of its relative water solubility. When marijuana is taken as a combination, nicotine and nicotine with nicotine produce a remarkable effect that smokers look for. Therefore, it is difficult to study these specific effects and specific characteristics of marijuana alone. Many factors affect the overall effect of marijuana on humans, derived from a combination of relative contents of different vituacanabenoids (eg Liver 9-9 liver), treatment route, mode of consumption (intake of nicotine simultaneously, and some absorption) Before consumer drugs and admission requirements. Unlike other drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, and benzodiazepines, the risk of an overdose of marijuana is relatively low and no sudden mutations associated with marijuana are reported.

The psychological and systemic effects of cannabis

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People mainly use cannabis for a positive mood effect. In fact, it causes ecstasy or "high", which is characterized by a sense of relaxation, anxiety, awareness, depression, and hospitality improvement based on acceptance requirements. However, side effects can occur with extreme discomfort, anxiety, panic, and psychosis at high doses of 9-9-THC taken. In some cases, similar effects may be produced early in use or in the most psychologically vulnerable. As a result, the cognitive effects of cannabis depend on the dose and vary depending on the amount of marijuana consumed and the 9-9 thak content.

The use of cannabis has a negative effect. It weakens cognitive and psychological functions. Consumption produces slow responses, motor incompatibility, and short-term memory loss, and attention deficits, disrupting driving ability, which explains the significant correlation between marijuana use and smoking accidents. The course, In addition, chronic cannabis use can have long-lasting effects on attention and memory and may continue for weeks or even months after stopping the use of cannabis. In addition, cannabis can increase the risk of psychotic symptoms. This has been shown to stimulate the onset of chronic psychosis such as schizophrenia in young consumers. Finally, the high and repeated use of cannabis can cause dependence and thereby develop a syndrome of tolerance and abstinence.

At the systemic level, marijuana has a respiratory effect, especially the heart. Effects on the cardiovascular system may lead to induction of arrhythmias, depending on dosage, vasodilation, redness of the conjunctival eye, the latter being a typical sign of marijuana use. Low blood pressure and drowsiness can also be observed. In addition, there are reports of marijuana, arrhythmias, cardiovascular vascular insufficiency, coronary insufficiency and other fatal heart events. Abuse of marijuana can cause atrial fibrillation or ventricular fibrillation in patients at risk and pose a significant risk to people with pre-existing heart disease. It should be noted that young marijuana users are also at risk of heart disease.

Cannabis also has a strong respiratory effect. Smoke from marijuana joints contains the same ingredients as tobacco (nicotine and harmful gases and particle mixtures). Chronic abuse of cannabis causes a cough, bronchitis, and emphysema. Although the amount of smoke cannabis stamps is generally lower than that of conventional smoking, the formation of cannabis smoke can encourage the deposition of smoke particles at the lung level of cannabis smokers and therefore explain the consequences. The special respiratory effects of cannabis. It has been suggested that increased oxidative stress and stimulation of mitochondrial imbalance, 9-9-THC may contribute to the development of chronic respiratory diseases, pneumonia and even lung cancer in strong smokers. More attention should be paid to this dangerous breathing effect since the usual consumption of marijuana increases dramatically in our modern society.

In addition to other harmful effects of cannabis use, immune properties and endocrine systems have also been described as factors that interfere with reproductive function and fertility. According to the individual, cannabis can also cause decreased saliva (dry mouth) and increase appetite.

Use of medicinal marijuana at present

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Medical or therapeutic marijuana refers to a preparation that uses marijuana sativa for medical purposes only. Consumption of these phytocannabinoids could include the use of tobacco, inhalation, topical application or consumption. According to the state, drug marijuana is not allowed, allowed or accepted. In France, the use of all marijuana was withdrawn from the French pharmacopeia in 1953. Use, import, sale, transportation, and production were strictly prohibited. On the other hand, drug marijuana is permitted in some countries, including Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and more than 20 the United States. America. In Canada, for example, production and sales are allowed under the supervision of the Canadian Health Authority.

In the United States, marijuana is still a "controlled substance" substance. The American Medical Association has recently proposed to re-register it as "Article II Controlled Substance", which implies harassment and acceptable risks for therapeutic use. Some countries have chosen an amendment that allows medical use in cases where a doctor needs to obtain specific evidence, such as severe pain, cancer, damage, glaucoma, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, acute nausea. or sleep. This creates a mixture of state laws in the United States for the use of dope, its signal, and its maximum value.

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Vitamins or derivatives have been marketed for several medical interventions. 9-9- This is usually used as a therapeutic compound due to its anti-emetic properties and oxygenation. It has been marketed with dronapinol (Marinol®) to suppress nausea caused by chemotherapy and anorexia associated with AIDS. Synthetic analogs are also produced from 9-9-thak, Nebylon (Cesamet®), for the treatment of chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting. NAPEXIMOLS (SATEX) contains a mixture equivalent to 9-9-thiocyanabinoid and liver and is usually prescribed to reduce pain in adult patients with EM or advanced cancer.

It is directed by oral sprays in several countries, including Canada, Spain, Denmark, Germany and the UK. Surprisingly, these compounds are only used for recreational purposes and are therefore very rare. In fact, the method of consumption (oral) and its pharmacological properties slow down the potentially significant effect for several hours and is therefore much more unpleasant than marijuana. Recently, SPATEX has been suggested as a possible alternative to marijuana and may help reduce the withdrawal syndrome. Table 2 summarizes the current disease or symptom that has been treated with an approved phytoecabinoid derivative.

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Side effects of cannabis drugs It has been observed that the higher the 9-9-THC level in drug marijuana, the more effective it reduces pain. However, with a combination of high doses, side effects such as a headache, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth or eyes, sedative effects, hypotension, memory disorders and cognition can be observed. In addition, the best balance for analgesic effects with minimal side effects is highly dependent on individual preparations and medications (various levels of phytosanidabol), which makes the dosing system extremely difficult.

In some cases, it has also been shown that levels/risks are not positive for the treatment of chronic pain because marijuana only reduces pain. Dronabinol has recently been tested for the treatment of opioid withdrawal in clinical trials and some of the side effects, including an increase in heart rate, have been observed at tested doses. This comment raises general concerns about the dose of this drug to obtain the possible benefits. In addition to these possible negative effects, there is not enough familiarity with marijuana interactions with other drugs and the possible psycho-cognitive effect on the patient. Overall, these findings limit the use of therapeutic marijuana at present.


The increased use of marijuana and its derivatives in the population, especially among adolescents, is a real problem for public health. Increased interest in marijuana and related compounds has been developed in the study. In addition, there are discussions about legalization that may have political consequences. Risks should not be forgotten, and it seems important to disseminate scientific knowledge about this group of compounds before normalization is normalized. Hemp exposure causes a variety of behavioral and neurological changes and the public should be more aware of the clinical effects of the long-term effects of this drug. Among adjustments, long-term exposure to drugs for abuse or exposure identified during critical development periods can lead to changes in gene expression through genetic mechanisms. Modern research using genomic technology has investigated the mechanisms of plasticity involved in brain structures involved in award circuits and has demonstrated genetic control of gene transcription. It is estimated that increasing scientific data in this area will help clarify the molecular mechanisms of drug abuse. The study will also be a new way to propose new therapeutic interventions for long-term marijuana use or synthesis of cannabinoids.

Alkanabenate derivatives that have a positive influence on many other diseases, as well as addiction. These applications should be more rigorous clinical tests to ensure the efficiency and safety of human Alcanabenoad vehicles and most relevant. At the same time, we can expect various strategies, as with other pharmaceutical fields, with particular attention to the dose and duration of treatment. You can also overcome a new therapeutic approach to overcome the pain or dependence of heterozygous receptors that target Alcanabenoad and opioids that use antibodies or bivalent or indirect relationships on both systems using dual anzivalz and inhibitors. cannabis enzymatic hemp. Intensive research now focuses on this perspective.

Finally, with regard to opioids used as drugs, especially for the treatment of pain (such as morphine) or the misuse of euphoric effects (eg heroin), the cannabis toxin points to the Complex internal system is also a great medical device. Characteristics In future research it is, therefore, necessary to propose the best therapeutic approach to the management of complex diseases and strategies that promise to reduce dependence. The ultimate goal is to propose innovative strategies for existing therapies with greater security use.


Reference :


Garbage Science, Based on Garbage Cannabis

Cognitive function issues, and other negative effects of cannabis are due to "Debilitating" strains of cannabis. Prohibition has done a great job of applying pressures to society, which have in turn created a demand for these debilitating strains.

I mean really, when your govt lies to you, cheats you and basically uses you as a slave, the desire to escape reality is rather strong. No real shock to see strains which fog you out and destroy your memory becoming popular. No genius level IQ needed.

Functional Cannabis is SIGNIFICANTLY Different

than the crap cannabis used in the mentioned studies. Functional cannabis is often high in CBD (Here's an 8 minute DIY test which you can easily do at home) and low in interfering terpenes.

What does functional cannabis do to people? Increases cognitive abilities, including focus, mood control, memory and creativity. Lung function and physical issues are created by contaminates in/on cannabis, not cannabis itself. Clean cannabis (which is extremely rare to find) does not have any of these issues.

Get a Grip on Reality

and start understanding science is extremely biased, and interpretation of results swings with these biases.

No, the person who wrote this article doesn't use cannabis. If they do it's horrible quality, which would reinforce their belief of the biased studies. Sad. Sad you've been lied to and you cannot see it.

Wake Up!

articles that I write, I take from various sources. I just deliver. I support marijuana not to be consumed by humans, but I support the use in the medical world to cure certain diseases.

ALL Cannabis Use is Medicinal

This is what you don't understand. When people state the recreational reasons why they use cannabis, they're medicinal reasons.


Regurgitating garbage from other people without personal experience means... you're posting garbage. Nice copy/paste/barely-edit job.

I have no time for your bullshit, this is a blog, not a research. if you can not interpret what is a blog GTFO
and stop making junk comments on my blog
kah gam meu droe keuh tan katuri, kajak lam pageu keudeh nyak :)

Yes, We Can Clearly See You Do Not Research Well!

Your awareness blows. Expect to get flack like this from people who are more educated on the topics you post about.


you should not be busy taking care of others. take care of your incompetent self.
you start giving me a downvote because I know you are not educated, you just can not distinguish blogs and scientific research
so GTFO !!!
or I will start downvote all your comments
you are a pathetic person !!!


You don't have voting power ($0.00), and are obviously not smart enough to recognize incorrect information. You should be very upset you've been lied to your entire life.

Don't shoot the messenger. LOL

You are not a messenger
You are a spammer


Such an interesting information...

It's very poor science, based on contaminated cannabis and dysfunctional strains. There's better information out there, look at what's coming out of legal states in the US. Look at the information coming from Israel and other legal countries. 100% reversal of the lies and garbage we've been fed.

Wake Up! :)

Let me ask you this do you even use marijuana?

I do not use it

Try High CBD Cannabis...

You'll change your view of the world. ;)

I've posted the information on how to do an 8-minute DIY Home CBD Kit

Come check it out! :D

stop spamming in my post

Stop Posting Shit!

You're like a social worker, who's never had children or an education on raising children, telling parents how to raise their children. LOL

I understand you do not have a parent, so no one teaches you to behave. I forgive you, but grown up


Such a lame attempt. You know nothing about my awesome life! LOL

you are sick, y0 ..... :)


Yep. This is why people who study the ocean don't post long articles about breeding insects. Might want to think about that. (Especially if it keeps you from posting more garbage for a while)

LOL 7 Votes Earned You a Penny!

Spend it wisely on a better education. ;)

Rather Poor Quality Article, Eh?

Yeah, it shows. How sad.

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