GoldenHourPhotography - Natural Paintings in the Afternoon and the Enchanting Charm of Sunset

in CCS6 months ago

Hello Steemian in CCS Community Everyone

How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are

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That afternoon, the sun began to dim. Its warm light slowly faded, leaving the sky with a stunning gradation of colors. My heart could not resist the call of nature's beauty. Without thinking, I stepped on the gas of my motorbike towards a river not far from where I worked.

Sore itu, mentari mulai meredup. Cahayanya yang hangat perlahan-lahan memudar, meninggalkan langit dengan gradasi warna yang memukau. Hatiku tak kuasa menolak panggilan keindahan alam. Tanpa pikir panjang, aku tancap gas motor menuju sebuah sungai yang tak jauh dari tempatku bekerja.

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The afternoon wind hit my face, bringing with it the scent of wet soil and a slightly fishy smell from the river. When I arrived there, the view I saw really amazed me. The sun seemed reluctant to leave, emitting its last rays that reflected softly on the surface of the water. The silhouette of a fishing boat looking for shellfish added to the beauty of the natural painting that afternoon.

Angin sore menerpa wajahku, membawa serta aroma tanah basah dan sedikit amis dari sungai. Sesampainya di sana, pemandangan yang kulihat benar-benar membuatku takjub. Matahari seakan enggan berpisah, memancarkan sinar terakhirnya yang memantul lembut di permukaan air. Siluet perahu nelayan yang sedang mencari kerang menambah keindahan lukisan alam sore itu.

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I remembered a quote I once read, "Nature is the best painter, and dusk is one of her most beautiful works." It's not an exaggeration. Every afternoon, nature always presents a light show that is never the same.

Aku teringat akan kutipan yang pernah kubaca, "Alam adalah pelukis terbaik, dan senja adalah salah satu karyanya yang paling indah." Tak berlebihan memang. Setiap sore, alam selalu menyuguhkan pertunjukan cahaya yang tak pernah sama.

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I took the pocket camera that always faithfully accompanied my little journey. The lens was directed at the horizon that was starting to darken. With one shot, I managed to capture that magical moment. I felt like I wanted to keep this memory forever.

Kuambil kamera saku yang selalu setia menemani perjalanan kecilku. Lensa diarahkan pada cakrawala yang mulai gelap. Dengan sekali jepretan, momen magis itu berhasil kuabadikan. Rasanya ingin kusimpan kenangan ini selamanya.

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While enjoying the beauty of dusk, I reflected. How small we are in front of the universe that is so vast and beautiful. However, at the same time, we are also given the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of His creation.

Sambil menikmati keindahan senja, aku merenung. Betapa kecilnya kita di hadapan alam semesta yang begitu luas dan indah. Namun, di saat yang sama, kita juga diberi kesempatan untuk menikmati keindahan ciptaan-Nya.

Dear friend, I would be very happy if you chose me as a witness @visionaer3003

All Picture Taken With Sony A7 II Camera
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