When it gets to the point where you are close to waking up but you can feel that it's still too early so you don't even open your eyes to attempt to continue sleeping for a bit longer and feel yourself drift back into sleep, that's what was going on this one day but something unusual happened right after.
At first it felt like something on my back as I was laying on the side, I was still attempting to fall back into sleep I thought so I just moved my back a little so it would stop itching or whatever it was, a few seconds later I felt it. A hand, as real as a hand on your back could ever feel, first the whole palm on your back then slowly scratching your back while lifting the hand away. "What the fuck is going on?" Usually when I dream and something as weird as this happens I realize quickly I am in a dream and become lucid, either choose to wake up or take control of the scenario but this was different, this felt as real as anything ever could. Yet I couldn't move, the hand movement occurred for only a couple seconds but I felt as I was in shock, didn't even open my eyes just laid there and things stated racing in my head. "How is this possible?" The odds of someone being under my bed are practically 0, even if by the off chance someone happened to be there why would they give themselves away by literally scratching my back? Why am I overthinking about all of this instead of getting the fuck up and checking what was going on. I stayed for a bit longer in the same position and attempted to hear any sounds. Nothing.
Finally I got up in a quick move and checked under the bed, nothing. It was already morning and there was sunlight, would've been even more stupid to pull something off like that. I knew it wasn't my roommate cause he would've made noise moving in and back out of my room even if I hadn't heard him come in, so I walk into the living room and see him awake drinking coffee and I tell him "dude, I think I'm losing my mind or must be hallucinating or something, I felt someone touch my back while sleeping and it could not have been a dream because it felt even more real than lucid dreaming".
His reaction to it was off, almost as if he hadn't heard what I said and just continued talking about something else random, didn't take me long until I realized that I was dreaming now and woke up. After waking up I spent a good few minutes going through what the fuck had just happened, and I am still not sure but the only conclusion I came to was that I must've been dreaming within a dream and for some reason the second dream felt more real than anything I had ever experienced before. I've had one of these double dreams once but it was a very long time ago and only happened that one time and back then it didn't include the sensation of touch.
Really weird though, I would've bet anything that I was either going crazy or that the touch was real but never would I have been able to guess that it was a dream within a dream, at the time of it happening at least. What a nice dream within a dream combined with sleep paralysis to wake up to.
Anyone ever experienced something similar?
What if it’s a dream within a dream within a dream and you’re still dreaming that you’ve posted to the Steem blockchain?
I think you're moving onto simulation theory now. :P
You're dreaming that you're receiving this comment.
holy shit thats actually creepy n weird
When i have a few drinks too many, something similar to this might happen.
Im not saying it happens often. But sometimes it might. I am a musician after all. :D
A couple times a month while sleeping I’ll suddenly notice I’m staring at the wall and assumed I have woken up. Then I notice a ball made out of like medusa’s head crawling up the wall with each individual leg moving randomly. It notices me and just as quickly as it was crawling up the wall it goes back down under the bed. As soon as it’s out of sigh I can suddenly move and get out of bed.
First couple of times I tore everything apart. Toss the mattress over and checked the sheets. There’s not even a cobweb down anywhere let alone what I’ve seen. It angers me more than anything else. It could badly use that sleep and not a great way to start the day as there is no getting back to sleep after that.
The last paragraph seemed like something that can drive someone to the nut house really, a dream within a dream? It's quite eventful I can say it hasn't really happened toe but I can't overrule it happening to anyone. I think more often it's people not even knowing they're dreaming.
I already had such experiences...this is very intriguing and I suppose this is due to altered state of conscience while the sleep and a little play with "what is real ?" and "what is at least what you think is reality"...This is always very interesting to me when I have such dream into dream because it helps me remember there is not just one reality but a lot of frequencies I can choose to be turned on...
There is another thing I often experience while dreaming and that is suddenly remembering that I naturally fly, not like a bird but in a standing position, I can just jump and fly and I feel intensely that it is my normal state and I had just forgot it...this is what I enjoy most at the moment : remembering, as if I was finally awake and no more in a sleeping-forgetting state of my own super powers ;-) Weird but wonderful feeling 😉
And I do not take any substance, I swear 😄
Thankfully, I have never experienced anything like that.
Posted using Partiko iOS
This often happens to me when I am in expectation of something important happening the next day like a flight or an important presentation. I often dream of my whole day leading up to the moment just to realize that it was a dream itself!
Scary shit! xD..Fortunately, I have never experienced something like this!
Yes, I think I've had these 'multi-layered' dreams but it has been sooooo long ago! This sounds pretty weird though.
After you woke up for real: did the 'hand touch' still feel 'super real' or did you just think it was 'super real' when you first 'woke up' in your dream?