Radishes have many benefits so I made a Little Radish Garden:
"Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim"
Starting with greeting and respect. I'm @jebanikajeba, From Bangladesh. Today I'm sharing with you about my Radish garden. Radish is a winter vegetable in our country and radish and Radish leaves have nutritional properties and many types of immunity which are very beneficial for our body. However, many people do not like to eat Radish because of its over-smells, but those who are aware of its nutritional value wait for the Radish season throughout the year.
I have been growing Radish for several years in my home garden and MasaAllah yielded a good amount of Radish. I choose between September and November every year for Radish cultivation as the root is a winter vegetable and the yield is better if sowing Radish seeds during this period. Generally high land, medium high land, medium low land and well-drained Doash soil or Sandy Doash soil are good for Radish cultivation.
Before sowing the Radish seeds in the area of the garden where I had selected for Radish cultivation, I prepared the soil well and applied a mixture of dung, TSP, urea and potash. And after 10 days of fertiliser application, I sowed Radish seeds. A cool climate must be selected for Radish cultivation as cool weather results in larger radishes.
Radish seeds should be irrigated daily after sowing as Radish sprouts very quickly and grow rapidly, small varieties of Radish are ready to eat within a month, and large varieties take one and a half to two months. I have grown two varieties of Radish in my garden, one red and one white. I like fried red Radish leaves and Radish leaves are rich in vitamins A, C.
Radishes are great for cooking a variety of items and Radish are Rich in beta-carotene, vitamins E, A, C, B6, fibre, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, calcium, iron, and manganese.
Nutrients in radish keep our eyesight healthy and prevent oral, stomach, colon, kidney and colon cancer. Phytosterols in radishes help keep the heart healthy. Radish, a vegetable rich in Fibre, helps in Digestion by speeding up the Digestion process of human food, curbs hunger and helps in Reducing body weight.
Radish Juice mixed with Honey can control phlegm, headache, and asthma and is effective in healing wounds caused by insect bites. Eating raw Radish is a blood purifier that removes all the impurities and waste from the stomach and removes constipation.
Thank You