Cryptocurrency: A clueless right-brained girl's perspective

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

When I decided it might be fun to write this post, the first thing I did was google the definition. Not because I didn't know what it was (basically), but there definitely was a time in the not so distant past when that was the case, and I would be surprised if there are no new people on this platform in the same boat:

a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.
"decentralized cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin now provide an outlet for personal wealth that is beyond restriction and confiscation"


early 21st century: from crypto- and currency.

But truthfully I was delightfully surprised by the fact that I actually understood everything that was said there. My chest puffed out with pride as I thought "Yup, digital currency, mhmm, encryption...independent of central banks, got that, decentralized-totally got that.

got this 3.gif!


Upon investigating further, I realized I actually knew way more than I initially thought, how it isn't issued by any central authority and theoretically immune to government interference or manipulation (though the theoretically gave me a bit of pause that I made note of) but still, I felt pretty damn good about myself!

got this.gif


Buttt.. then I came to the part about cryptography and how it controls the creation of additional units and found my eyes beginning to glaze..

got this..ornot.gif


...but only for a moment! I'd gotten this far, I knew this much, surely I could do a little reading and get even further!

I quickly learned that cryptography is essentially taking plain text and scrambling it into ciphertext (encrypting, yes, I totally know this!) Then apparently back again which is called decryption-made complete sense so far.

got this 2.gif


The purpose of cryptography concerns Confidentiality, Integrity and Non-repudiation, or in layman's terms: The information can't be understood by anyone it's not intended for, can't be altered in storage or transit between sender and receiver without being detected, and the sender of the information can't deny their intentions in creating the transmission at a later time.

What I read next was of utmost importance in my mind, the words Finite Supply. To my understanding; after several pages of what amazingly didn't give me a splitting headache since tech-savvy I am NOT; each one of these cryptocurrencies are designed to have a limited amount, and while mining them periodically produces new units, even that becomes fewer and fewer until miners only receive fees for their work.

This type of built in scarcity supports value, and a lot like precious stones and metals there might be protection against inflation. (Again I had to pause at the words "might be" for further thought)

Most importantly, to me, cryptocurrency offers a means of exchange outside the control of central banks, and the fact that they need to be mined means there is a self-policing mechanism built in.

got thisss.gif


Okay, I realize this is a very small fraction of what there is to know about this subject. In fact I now have several pages bookmarked for further study. But all in all I am quite impressed with myself, though mostly it is steemit that impresses me, I would know nothing if it were not for this platform. And if there are others like me out there, who struggle with these concepts, I like to think this could serve as in introduction for them.

After I delve a bit deeper into cryptocurrency I will begin working on the concept of the blockchain. Yeah, I know, steemit is part of the blockchain. I also know that anything written on the blockchain is there for good. But recently a short discussion with @neoxian caused me to realize that the 'adding of new blocks' was not only something I hadn't ever thought about, I had no idea what that meant. (He was kind enough to offer assistance should I need if you're reading this neo, be prepared for some upcoming questions)

Okay, so I will be looking into this, as well as nodes, crowdfunding, and ermmm, Merkle Root? Merkel Tree? Merkling?

got this..or not.gif


But I am feeling pretty confident now, that by the time I'm finished reading and asking pertinent questions, I will no longer be the 'clueless crypto girl' I once was. Instead I'll be someone that people come to with questions...hell yeah, that's the optimism I need!
Let's do this!

got this funny.gif


I imagine this post made it very obvious I am a fan of the show Supernatural, though it would be more accurate to say that I am a fan of my daughter who is a Super Fan of the show Supernatural. I actually met these guys in person at one day of a convention I took her to last year, and this year I'll be doing the entire three day weekend...and yes there will be a post ;)

For all of the newbies to this subject, if this helped you gain even a small grasp on the matter I'm glad, but please don't hesitate to ask questions, I'll do my best (or seek out someone who can help).

For all of the experts on the the subject, please feel free to add whatever you'd like to the comments. Every new thing I learn is one step away from clueless and toward amateur at least :) Besides it might be helpful to others like me who happen to open this post.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


I love this post haha, pretty soon you're gonna be trading like a pro!

Thank you, and I hope so! I have a bitpay card on the way, so definitely soon I will make my first actual purchase financed by my creativity on steemit :) I intend to continue building my sp, so it won't be a large purchase, but something I can do a marketing style post for those out there who are suspect of the monetary aspect of the platform, I'm actually hoping this can coincide with the meetup in some way :)
(Just waiting for you to name the time :)

As a Supernatural fan, I'm jealous. That was some good research.

The convention I went to was really fun, if you ever have a chance I recommend it. The cast is very laid back, the whole thing has an informal feeling to it for the most part.
Thank you!

Watch thing like their blopper. Thats the impression I get.

This is a nice layman's write up. Just a small clarification, Steemit runs on a blockchain, but you could be careful saying "the blockchain". Some people may get the impression there is one big blockchain that everything runs on.

Blockchain is like an accounting ledger book recording transactions. There are many of these blockchains and in general different cryptocurrencies are running their own blockchains. Just like each company would have its own accounting ledger, each cryptocurrency usually is on its own blockchain.

Today Bitcoin is the oldest and biggest by market value, so when you say the blockchain, people may think you're referring to the Bitcoin blockchain.

Ah, thank you very much for this. As I mentioned, blockchain is something I'm not well-versed on and comments of this nature are a big help as I start delving into it :)

This type of breakdown is really helpful! I'm new to Steemit and have read different articles about cryptocurrency on here but not fully understood. This made me feel like I'll really be able to catch on!

Thank you, that's awesome to hear :) I know, it is very daunting, and I really did not have a clue for a long time about it either. Welcome @ceciliakeirstead, I hope you love it here like I do!

Thanks for doing a lot of the leg work for the rest of us who have been putting off actually finding out how some things work around here. :)

Excellent post @dreemit. Very informative and amusing at the same time!

Thanks @tonyr! It was after reading through some more in depth articles about crypto that I thought, all kidding aside, it might actually be something that I should do for those like myself. Particularly myself when I first joined the platform :)

As with most things in life Dreemit once we jump in we wonder what all the worrying was about. :)

I'm sure I've said it before but you are a credit to the community here @dreemit and a great example to the rest of us! :)

That is definitely true--the first part :) As to the second, thank you for saying so @tonyr, and you are a terrific edition. I saw @everlove's post thanks to your resteem, I have a feeling that going to your page will be a great place to find posts like that one!

Thank you!

I'm enjoying Reborn very much! Only finished the first two chapters but your writing is fantastic @dreemit!! You really are very talented and there are lots of really talented writers on the platform. I am honestly quite surprised at the standard of writing throughout steemit! I hope that doesn't sound rude or offend anyone! :)

Got your lovely message and I will respond as soon as possible. I'm not as practiced a writer as you though and takes me a while to get some thoughts together....and even longer to type.:)

I've just discovered @clayborn who has some very thoughtful things to say!

I'm glad you're enjoying the reminds me that your brother hasn't put up a new chapter of his in quite some time (he did warn me that it was a decade long endeavor, but I thought he meant the series not the first book LOL!!) His writing is also excellent, and yes there are a number of great writers here :)

No worries on taking your time.

I actually meant to recommend @clayboyn to you, I'm glad you found him.

You are definitely right there, @son-of-satire is a fantastic writer!!! and I'm sure the next chapter is well worth the wait!! :)

Ah, thanks for putting his name in there, I forget to do that more often than I should. Especially since I was teasing him...and I have do doubt it's worth the wait.
He really made the characters and story come alive, I actually cried at the end of the prologue. I don't think that's ever happened to me before, really well done.

The best advice I have for people who are starting in this world is to use youtube to get different perspectives (miners, traders, programmers etc.) on a particular blockchain protocol you are interested in. Everyone will be able to give you their "truth" mixed with their "opinion", and its up to you to collect all the truths and form your own opinion. Good luck to everyone!

Haha, thank you for your input, (and your pics ) :)

Great post my friend, we are constantly learning more and more everyday, but when it comes to anything supernatural, it is a must look into! :)

Thank you, and LOL to the second part. Did you read any of the other comments? Apparently they are recording the trailers for supernatural across the street from @icanrant's. Oh the envy! hahaha.

No I didn't read that, I have just enough time to read the blog-posts-chapters when I can, to even look at the other comments is beyond my capability at the moment. I am spread far and wide across this community it is keeping me focused to say the least. And yeah that is crazy cool to hear, guess you need to make that network connection and fly over!

I bet you're glad you took the leap
I think I only got in on it since march myself haha
woah this post really took off congrats

Actually, correction, I just skipped down my page and found the one I did on the Ithaca Children's garden/kid's anarchy zone is over 120 :) That's an awesome place.

I am eternally glad I took the leap. Though more for the sake of this platform and the incredible people I've met, and continue to meet. Seriously, it's amazing how many deep thinkers and like-minded individuals I've found here, making this world feel so much...more hopeful? I think that's the right way of putting it. Especially since it truly involves the world, is finally the global media site others boast about.

Damn, it has! I hadn't looked at it in awhile...I've had a few posts recently in the ninety dollar range, but this is the record breaker, nice :) Thank you!

Wish I could give you an extra upvote for peppering with Supernatural gif illustrations XD

Another fan? Sweeettt. Haha, I love that show. I started watching it right from the pilot with my husband. But at one point, I think season six, life got busy and I lost track for a little bit. Then my daughter got really into it and pulled me back in :) Last year I got to briefly meet 'Sam and Dean', this year I get to meet a few of the others like Crowley...and actually John Winchester/Negen is going to be there too, exciting!

I can't remember if I caught it from the pilot but we caught up pretty quickly.

I eventually kind of drifted off partly because I thought it was getting a bit silly and mostly because I had to start really choosing where I was throwing time :<

The character dynamics was my favourite thing about the show :)

Before I dived deep into AI, cryptography was far and away favorite CS topic. Even when I was a kid, I was so interested in encryption and decryption, that it was only augmented by the additional knowledge I gained. It's so nice that services like Steemit make it more accessible for everyone. I find it funny that it allows people to easily understand the topics, when crypto essentially does the opposite haha!

I don't know if it would've helped, but I think reading about blockchain technology first would've made reading about cryptocurrencies easier.

It would be just like me to do it backwards, lol! Though I started unintentionally learning a little bit about crypto, simply for being here and curious about how steem works.

I say that for the benefit of the others you're influencing here, that maybe the backward is the best way to go about it. I learned it the same way you did, so it's all good :D

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