This is so gorgeous! I love the balanced take on everything.
And yes, we are now hiring devs. If you have a pulse and know how to do systems level programming in golang, or know how to do webdesign using modern frameworks like polymer, we're hiring and you should run, not walk to
ICO is at least partly to raise funds to pay for more help.
Wow, what a thorough review of the Vivaconomy! Thanks for sharing the results of so many hours of research in this project.
I have been smitten and bought one crown, while working on a second one as we speak. If in deed the technical aspect of it keeps on being supported as it has been so far, though small in numbers, the seed of these ideas will gain in strength as great deal.
So far, the support and teamwork shown in the evolution of the Viva environment has been phenomenal and the potency of the thoughts behind it, some of the most powerful I have ever came across. It reminds me of the potlatch system of the Northwest Pacific coastal people where a Crown could be compared to a chief. The big difference being that we don't have potlatches once a year or every few years to make the redistribution of the wealth fair and equitable for all but, as far as I understand, every few fraction of seconds!
Again, thanks a bunch for this excellent article. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
Still a bit lost at the VLP / VIP part and how it works though, but if its staking and getting interest out of it, then it's pretty standard as far as these projects go.. - nice, how's the crown doing? :)
It's now a shitcoin. Shouldn't have got into this, pretty much coz of a recommendation. But i did spell out the dangers of this project in this post. And it happened lol.
What I see as positive aspects of the story of VIVA:
Extra efforts to launch low volatile currency >> required for everyday use in the mix of users local fiat currency dominated economies >> reality will need to show if they can live up to their wishes and claims
Applications and services with businesses in mind: Key aspect to get the business community to onboard, they even speak (as far as I remember) of letting businesses paying in not only VIVA coins but also fiat; I agree to such approach and I actually think that businesses do want to invest fiat (not only in coins but also in the ability to use a service) when the service is good
What brought me a bit of garde are:
India URL extension
Mexico trial ATMs
US based management
I do not understand this combination, especially the India URL extension.
They have a LOT of engineering work to do to make all what they claim happen incl require a LOT of money (also in fiat to pay for all of this); Can they make this happen?
They need a LOT of (fiat) money to be able to afford rolling out the 1.000 ATM worldwide
It is not sure who the 'credible Mastercard' company/bank is they claim to have deal with
But I do like their approach, since their approach is not revolutionising the world we live in, but try to build a bridge between Cryptoland and our fiat dominated world with the understanding, businesses can fund much better than the investor and the everyday user; ie they try to mix the fiat world with the new Cryptoworld and in my view understand this requires businesses.
India URL extension
I do not understand this combination, especially the India URL extension.
Think viva coin ( it's kitchsy but it's surprisingly expensive to find viva.anything domains.
.in was only like $30 USD per year IIRC
We do have rolling out and that will be our primary gateway that most people coming into the ecosystem will see as we roll out cashstations globally.
Could be indeed, but still, I would not have used the India extension! but use the coin extension that I think is available. maybe viva.coin was not available though.
Yes engineering and a whole patch of stuff that may not work all that well, but at least there's been some work and a lot of thought put into it. I also like the bridging aspect of it, and could very well work for the unbanked, undocumented, etc.
AFAIK a ponzi scheme is getting money from someone then promising a future investor X returns, then go for a bigger promise to another future investor X+nP returns, then higher and higher? Nothing of that sort here.. also lack of refferal fees and upline/downline incentives.
The way I see it, Proof-of-Authority for the Crown would invite those with those agreeing with the notion of basic income (by protecting workers as top duty) and using resources to achieve the Crown's goals / vision. While Gnosis and pretty much any PoS setting is market-driven decision making (as the whole decides based on net votes), PoA is individually-driven decision making - doesn't affect the entire market, but only their "realm". It's an efficient direction of energy compared to PoW and activities coming from the million of divisible PoS accounts, but if most crownholders are imbeciles with their end-game, then we may have a problem.
I like your thorough analysis and appreciate the time it must have taken to research this and put it into a nice post! I'm invested in VIVA and it's great seeing so many steemit friends in the chat over there. Go Steemit, Go VIVA!!!
This is so gorgeous! I love the balanced take on everything.
And yes, we are now hiring devs. If you have a pulse and know how to do systems level programming in golang, or know how to do webdesign using modern frameworks like polymer, we're hiring and you should run, not walk to
ICO is at least partly to raise funds to pay for more help.
Interesting, well researched, balanced and fair.
How do you feel about the downvotes you got for this article?
Resteemed and promoted!
Thanks! I'm alright with downvotes.. can't control anyone, so no matter :)
Hey, @onceuponatime please share in what cryptocurrencies you invested?
P.S it's very interesting to know where smart people invest.
If I was smart, I would be rich by now!
Hey, anyways where do you invest besides steemit?
This is @kevinwong's thread, not mine.
Wow, what a thorough review of the Vivaconomy! Thanks for sharing the results of so many hours of research in this project.
I have been smitten and bought one crown, while working on a second one as we speak. If in deed the technical aspect of it keeps on being supported as it has been so far, though small in numbers, the seed of these ideas will gain in strength as great deal.
So far, the support and teamwork shown in the evolution of the Viva environment has been phenomenal and the potency of the thoughts behind it, some of the most powerful I have ever came across. It reminds me of the potlatch system of the Northwest Pacific coastal people where a Crown could be compared to a chief. The big difference being that we don't have potlatches once a year or every few years to make the redistribution of the wealth fair and equitable for all but, as far as I understand, every few fraction of seconds!
Again, thanks a bunch for this excellent article. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
That was an amazing summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the project. Very balanced and fair!
I am a crown holder!
Still a bit lost at the VLP / VIP part and how it works though, but if its staking and getting interest out of it, then it's pretty standard as far as these projects go.. - nice, how's the crown doing? :)
What’s the news in This coin???
I hear funny things recently
It's now a shitcoin. Shouldn't have got into this, pretty much coz of a recommendation. But i did spell out the dangers of this project in this post. And it happened lol.
Geee! So it’s true but the guy behind was full of Poo anyways and I never got myself into.
I rather invest in The Tauchain mastermind.
This is a very good analyses and review!
What I see as positive aspects of the story of VIVA:
What brought me a bit of garde are:
I do not understand this combination, especially the India URL extension.
But I do like their approach, since their approach is not revolutionising the world we live in, but try to build a bridge between Cryptoland and our fiat dominated world with the understanding, businesses can fund much better than the investor and the everyday user; ie they try to mix the fiat world with the new Cryptoworld and in my view understand this requires businesses.
Think viva coin ( it's kitchsy but it's surprisingly expensive to find viva.anything domains.
.in was only like $30 USD per year IIRC
We do have rolling out and that will be our primary gateway that most people coming into the ecosystem will see as we roll out cashstations globally.
Nice list of positives and negatives, thanks! I assume the .in URL extension is so the URL reads as vivacoin.
^^^ THIS
Could be indeed, but still, I would not have used the India extension! but use the coin extension that I think is available. maybe viva.coin was not available though.
very true !
Yes engineering and a whole patch of stuff that may not work all that well, but at least there's been some work and a lot of thought put into it. I also like the bridging aspect of it, and could very well work for the unbanked, undocumented, etc.
For sure VIVA people did good work into creating the concept, and Tradeqwik looks pretty ok as well.
#shitcoin now as I just heard
While not an exact copy, I thought it worthwhile to mention the similarity of the VIVA bird logo to the Twitter bird logo...

The twitter logo seems to be a bad copy of the VIVA logo!!! :)
I honestly like the VIVA logo much more.
Hmm @kevinwong seems interesting... why is Viva NOT a ponzi scheme?
AFAIK a ponzi scheme is getting money from someone then promising a future investor X returns, then go for a bigger promise to another future investor X+nP returns, then higher and higher? Nothing of that sort here.. also lack of refferal fees and upline/downline incentives.
The way I see it, Proof-of-Authority for the Crown would invite those with those agreeing with the notion of basic income (by protecting workers as top duty) and using resources to achieve the Crown's goals / vision. While Gnosis and pretty much any PoS setting is market-driven decision making (as the whole decides based on net votes), PoA is individually-driven decision making - doesn't affect the entire market, but only their "realm". It's an efficient direction of energy compared to PoW and activities coming from the million of divisible PoS accounts, but if most crownholders are imbeciles with their end-game, then we may have a problem.
I like your thorough analysis and appreciate the time it must have taken to research this and put it into a nice post! I'm invested in VIVA and it's great seeing so many steemit friends in the chat over there. Go Steemit, Go VIVA!!!
Thanks! Indeed, many familiar accounts hanging out around the chat :)
I didn't see a bird at all. I saw a lady standing at the back of a boat, looking back down the river at those who missed the boat.
LOL cry me a river.