Diary Game | 13-08-2022 | Day of participating to my tution classes and playing some games | #club75
I got up early in the morning and washed my face. My father asked me if I he could borrow my tablet because he had an online meetings. So I gave him my tablet. I heard my mom calling me that she had made my tea. So I drank it and brushed my teeth lol🤓.
I had my breakfast then I went to my cousin's house. I study with my cousin these days. I told her that I have an English class in the morning so we both got up early. We studied till 9 am then I came back to my house since I had to get ready to go to my class. I arrived to the class at 10 am. The class was just 1 hour.
Then I got home and I played clash of clans for sometime. I downloaded it last week. I had an account of it with low upgraded building s with town hall 5 but I had lastly played clash of clans 3 months ago so the game had given me some gold and elixir for welcoming me again to the game 😃. I upgraded it until 9th town hall . ( I had lost my fully upgraded account rip).
I took a picture of a squirrel that I saw in my garden. The picture isn't that good in quality since I took it by zooming in.
I had another 4 hour science class at 2 pm so I went to the town and I attended the class ( it was too boring 😵😵). We studied about the topic " motion in a straight line " in the class. That topic was so long that we weren't able to finish the lesson even in 4 hours.
I waited for my father to pick me up in the class. Till then I had a chat with my friends. After my father picked me up from the class we went to buy me new shoes to a shoe store. There were many types of shoes so it was harder to pick one pair XD.
Below is the pair of shoes that I bought. I don't know if it's good or ugly but I liked it XD 😅.
Then we came back home and I was very tired that I dont even know when I fell asleep in my father's vehicle XD. After coming home I switched on the television and watched the news. My mom told me to have my dinner. After having dinner I went to bed.
Thanks for spending your valuable time to ready my post 🔥🙂
What a great day you haven't brought today little friend, it's good that you're studying, here in my country we have vacations.
The shoes are very nice and from what I've seen of you it goes very well with your style.
Best regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻
Hey friend I'm so happy that you liked my post. Thanks for the support
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 💥🔥🤓🙃🙂🥳
Hola Pasi, me alegra mucho tenerte de vuelta.
Tu día pareció bastante largo, yo también me hubiese quedado dormida en el auto después de tener una clase tan larga y complicada 😅
Tus zapatos se ven muy cómodos y si te gustan a ti, entonces son los perfectos.
Pasi, debo recordarte que steemit tiene ciertas reglas para participar de mejor manera. Una de ellas es estar en los clubes, en tu caso solo debes encender algo de Steem y formarás parte del mejor club el #club100.
Y otra regla, es que debes comentar y votar con frecuencia (al menos 10 veces al día) para así aumentar tu valor CSI, esto es como tú reputación en los videojuegos.
Nuevamente te digo, que estoy feliz por leer tu publicación, espero verte más activo por aquí.
Saludos cordiales y Gracias por participar activamente en Crypto.Kids
Okay godmother @mariana4ve. I'll be active for sure. Im happy that you liked my post
My BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Excellent day, F for your accout full in Clash of clans, you look very good, so cute that squirrel, nice shoes!
Kind regards broooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Thank you very much brooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Hi, friend! I'm glad you're here again, welcome! It was a good day for you with several hours of class, but it's all worth it, it's good that you're studying with your cousin. The squirrel looks very nice, I have never seen one. I'm glad you have some new shoes.
Greetings and blessings!
Hii. I'm glad that you liked my post :D. Thanks for the support 🙃🤓
Hola amiguito ✨, que gran día tuviste, me alegro que asistieras a tus clases y aprendieras algo nuevo, los zapatos se ven cómodos, espero que los disfrutes mucho, la ardilla en el árbol se ve muy linda, muchas gracias por compartirnos de tu día, espero que continúes así activo.
Thank you very!uch friend. Im very happy that you liked my post.
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🙃💥🤓🎊