
yes, i agree. i did all of the images on default settings but it almost seems like i should dial them down to low to feel comfortable with the outcome. i did that as a test but it makes almost not difference as to the intensity.

I wonder to what degree you'd be happy to "cheat". IE in the donor image add some fake texture to the flat-coloured areas (swirls in the sky) and see if that improves things.
Like the style transfer is good. But, if we can think of styles as having a vocabulary that maps onto the underlying objects that the image represents, then I think that the style transfer will function better if there is more overlap between the style vocabularies.

you know i never thought of doing it that way. i def could as an experiment, some moody clouds. i'm really in love with #3 the snow scene. it reminds me of the japanese prints my dad brought home when he served in the army. i love how the grass becomes a broiling sea rolling over the land. gnashter mentioned something about cutting out images with certain textures to layer on other stylized backgrounds, but i think your way might be easier. seems like the more edited the donor image is the more difficult it is to mask, but thats on limited trials. so many ideas..

That snow bridge one was probably my favourite too (if I was pressed). Very Ukiyo-e like, esp. "The Great Wave" by Hokusai. So many ideas! To get that trippy feeling maybe try a style image that has no objects in common with the donor image.

yep i had to do the real world today but now ima play...

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