Do all patient dog ever get the fattest bone?

in Dream Steem5 months ago


Patience!!! Patience!!! Patience!!!

This has been the ringtone in the ears of every Nigerian for almost 2 years amidst the hardship we are passing through. Policies that was supposed to make life better has only made things worse each passing day, yet our president continues to stand before us, declaring, “With the progress made so far in his administration, we are on the threshold of a brighter future. Please be patient."

And I wonder— does this man watch the news at all or he tune in to Cartoon Network??? Because I don’t think he sees the daily struggles of the citizens he's asking to be patient?

You removed the only buffer we had—the fuel subsidy. The one thing stopping the economy from diving headfirst into an abyss and promised to get one out of the four abandoned refineries working in a space of six months. It’s been over a year, and what do we keep hearing? Be patient. Yet you can afford to spend 21 billion to renovate your vice president’s house. For renovation? How is that even possible with such amount?

Even as we tried to adjust to the new lifestyle without the subsidy, you introduced another crippling policy of pegging the naira to the US dollar instead of allowing the market to determine the price of the currency. This caused the naira to plunge in value, hitting an all time low.

These set of disastrous policies have put our country in jeopardy and have set off a chain reaction of poverty and inflation. Inflation rate has gone up from 22% to 32% in a space of one year. People are dying in their numbers because they can’t feed well and insecurity is the order of the day. Farmers are scared of going their farm because their farmland has now turned into a playground for evil Fulani herdsmen and boko haram terrorist who kill innocent civilians indiscriminately.


When we took to the streets in protest, You told us, once again, with your usual slogan, “that Rome wasn’t built in a day, That we should be patient!!”

For how long, do we continue to be patient while your policies stifle the economy?

How long do we sacrifice, when you keep making plans of buying another presidential yacht , jet and also go on vacations when your country is on fire.

Do you need the streets to be soaked with our blood before you realize we have been patient enough?

Enough is enough. We are tired and our voice must be heard. We cannot be endlessly patient while our future and that of our unborn children is ripped from us. If as nation, we don’t rise, fight and demand our rights, our voices will never be heard.


Dear Samson, that's an incendiary pamphlet ready for print! Perhaps you should pursue a career in politics after all...? Maybe the internal Steem journalists can do something with it, @ubongudofot?

An inflation rate of 32% is almost unimaginable. I am infinitely sorry that it continues to be so difficult for you.

Lol.. I wish I was that good in journalism!! This write up came with a lot of angry emotions that many Nigerians can relate with.

I wish I was that good in journalism!!

Try it out. You may lack some journalistic tools, but you can write and have a good eye for detail and facts.
A practical suggestion: we have a regional newspaper here, the ‘Berliner Zeitung’, whose best and most diverse articles are now written by amateurs - anyone can submit articles there and, if the editing is successful, they will be published. It has a lot of readers and a good level of support. The articles there are very specific and differ from those in the rest of the press landscape.
The situation in Nigeria is hardly ever discussed here; write about it! I translate your articles into technically good German and organise contact with the editors. Interested...?

Amateur Journalists Samson reporting for duty!!! Ma’am… 😊😊

Cool. Waiting for material ;-)) Send me via Discord or Facebook when you have something completed...

Ok ma’am.. can I get your discord username?

Oh. Sorry: weisser-rabe#4490

Well Done. Good post. You're are not the only ones who think inflation is insane. Sneak into the USA and vote Trump! You probably better not do that even if you could afford it, unless it's California, New York, the rest that want to allow non-citizens to vote own a lot of stock in the prison system and most of that is bait and catch and throw the illegals in prison charge us $110,000 a year for each prisoner they keep.

Keep the hope!

throw the illegals in prison charge us $110,000 a year for each prisoner they keep

Oh my God.. I can’t believe this!!
CNN is really saying little in regards to this US Election. All this is happening and a lot are in the dark..

There were billboards in the days long ago, signs in bus stops, train stations, I don't know airports: Come here to get your benefits if you do not have green card and your ... They were deported if they were here illegally.


Sad reality. And this is the reality of all third-world countries: their self-centered, vulture-like politicians and mafia-style government. I just hope they rot in the deepest part of hell for inflicting this kind of pain on the people of their country while keeping their houses and pockets full of this illegal money. The shittiest version of mankind these people are.

P.S: Your write ain't that angry! It's high time, people call them out for their follies