No Longer Vote For the Lesser of Two Evils

in ecoTrain2 months ago


Earlier this week i talked about narcissists/sociopaths/psychopaths and how these people seek power, and everything they do is turned to evil. "…nor can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit"

Normal people, who have empathy for others, finds it difficult to hurt others, unless they are programmed to believe a harm is good. Like, spanking (spare the rod, spoil the child), or law enforcement, "we have to fight the patriarchy", or "Jevvs are bad", or "the Russians have invaded with no provocation, we must defend ourselves".

When DOGE went into USAID, they a lot of information about propaganda our govern-cement paid for. And, as we go on, we will find that almost all advertisements, the posters that are posted in school, and so much of what we here is brain washing to get us to do evil things. To accept evil as good.

Imagine calling an operation that leaves a putrid, leaking wound, and destroying a child ability to procreate, or even enjoy sex, as "helping the child transition to be the gender they really are." (Spiritually speaking, energetically, and DNA-wise, they are still the sex they were born as. And so, this operation leaves them even more confused and doesn't solve anything. And over half commit suicide) Without so much propaganda saying this was the good thing to do, the "enlightened" way to work with children, or even if the horrors of what is actually done in the surgery held part of the stage, then only a tiny minority would have ever gone along with this.

And USAID paid for a lot of it. We are going to find that almost all NGOs were paying for the same propaganda. Because, these are all run by the same group of evil people. The same group of people who censored so many who dared to talk about what the VAXXX was doing to people.

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There is evil, and T.H.E.Y. want you to harm yourself

This is really weird about evil people. They really do not want you dead, they would much rather you torture yourself to death for them.

The sociopath doesn't really care if you live or die. They care about whether they have power over you. And as long as you are not a direct threat to them (that you can unmask them in front of others) they would rather play with you, taunt you, see how far they can manipulate you. If they kill you, they lose their toy.

So, a sociopath/psychopath doesn't really strive for paths of genocide, it doesn't really interest them. Further, they know they are small in number, so there is a fear that people must never know that they are behind it. (accept for a particular person, who they are showing how much power they have.) They want to never wake the masses.

So, they will never release a virus that is extremely deadly. They might get it. But, what they love doing is saying there is a new virus, and then getting everyone to take an experimental vaccine that is said to be safe and effective, but really it will shorten most people's lives. And then T.H.E.Y. get to watch as people suffer, never knowing what is really causing the damage.

It is not about the death, it is about the control, and the suffering.

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Evil will do everything T.H.E.Y. can to keep you ignorant and stay in control

The mother WEFers are in control of the departments of education all over the world. And this started with the universities. Look up Rhodes' will and the scholarships that created. (to control smart people from thinking outside of their box). Look into Rock-e-fellows medicine and how they pushed that through the universities. And history, and science…

Every govern-cement school teaches the Prussian system. To make good soldiers and factory workers. None teach the Trivium. Any good and intelligent person who knows about both will select the Trivium. Unfortunately, many homeschoolers cannot break free of the way they were taught (programmed)

All the TV stations, most of the radio stations and most of the newspapers and magazines are owned by the same few corporations. And they all spew the same narrative. Sometimes the EXACT SAME SCRIPT. We think their is competition so that there would be different voices, but psychopaths/sociopaths would never allow that. They will spend all their effort bringing the control of the narrative under them.

Meaning, we not only have to keep these people out of positions of political power, we have to keep them out of media power. Or, make sure that there is enough good people broadcasting their opinion too.

These evil people will not stop. T.H.E.Y. have to control. It is more important than breathing to them.

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Accurate polls for the win

The way that good people win is by exposing the truth.

Imagine if we had a blockchain for voting. But, instead of a vote every few years, we often polled everyone their stance on topics. So, we would have accurate data on where people stood.

Imagine if we actually knew Bidens support numbers were 5-6%, how would we have handled things? How would we have handled the previous election results? (as just a glaring example)

Or if we found that 90% of people didn't want to fund U-crane war. Or that 90% of people hated abortions, but didn't want to stop women for having an abortion. (pro-choice and pro-life)

What would we do if we really had accurate polling data? Instead of the obvious skewed, weasel worded, polls that we see now on MSM news shows.

If we knew what people really wanted, we may start working towards those things. But, evil people want us to believe that everyone else voted for more taxes.

One of the biggest thing that the MSM does is divide people. However, what is real is that most people are of the same opinion on most of what we really value in life. We need to stop letting the MSM tell us that we are divided.

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Most good people cannot fathom how evil people think. And so, do not believe that one group could control all the television stations, or that they would want to. Nor, can the good people fathom how much effort the evil cohort will spend on gaining control over all the media.

The good people do not comprehend how the evil people will want to delude everyone with false information. "Why would they bother?" says the average good person. But, T.H.E.Y. have spent centuries taking over all levels of teaching, so that nowadays almost everything we are taught is wrong.

Good people are barely waking up to the evil cohort rigging elections. But they have yet to realize that evil wins by backing both potential winners, so that whoever is elected, is who T.H.E.Y. selected. (look up the Skull and Bones university society. The amount of presidents from that small university club is astounding, beyond probability)

Good people just do not see how evil feels the need to constantly seek for more power. Most people get to a point of enough. Evil people are trying to fill a bottomless pit. And if good people do not comprehend this about evil, they won't realize how vigilant good has to be to stop evil.

A lot is going to come out these next years about how evil T.H.E.Y. have been.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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