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RE: panic and the war.

in #fiction7 years ago

Yes, looks like that is the case. I removed my flag on your post, so you're back to good. Just gotta watch who you follow, not all are trustworthy.


I'm so sorry.
No wonder nobody ever sees my stuff.

You can choose whether to follow the downvotes in setting under curation trails.

Or just follow my trail, I've never flagged anyone :)

Nice post...

Thanks. I just went through and stopped downvotes on all curation trails.
I was already following you. :D
Now I'm only downvoted by @pal but I don't know how to fix that.

@berniesanders: Are you suggesting I'm not trustworthy? Can you point to a single time I've flagged you that wasn't justified based on the UI on Steemit explaining how flags should be used? If you abuse others and get flagged for it, what rational justification are you using to counter-flag those people who are working to support the community standards of the platform? By flagging users like @dirty.hera, you are harming the network and you don't seem to care. You've flagged me numerous times with irrational reasons. Why not just be honest and say what you really mean: "Luke, I'm flagging you because I don't personally like you, and I enjoy the drama." That, at least, would be honest.

If you verbally abuse people here, you will be flagged. The times I've flagged you, I've even warned you before doing it and gave you the opportunity to change your comment.

@dirty.hera: Thank you for commenting on my post. I will reply there in more detail. I'm sorry you got wrapped up in bernie's drama here. He seems to thrive off it and tormenting others. You can search Steemit to see many examples of it and of the people who have left Steemit because of his actions. My best advice for you is to ignore him. I only engage with him in hopes to help others understand, even though it results in more downvotes from him on my posts.

I'm suggesting you're a pretentious douchebag, as I have in the past. Given your account value is less than I carry in my wallet, I'm not too concerned about your weak ass flags but when you draw others into it, then it becomes a problem as it has here.

I'd love to see "many examples" of people ACTUALLY leaving Steemit because of me. It's time to put up, or shut up.

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