Internet Blackout Warning For Next 48 Hours - Episode 1688b

in #fifth-amendment6 years ago

Fusion GPS author Steele will plead the 5th. The Hill puts up an article of why [RR] must recuse himself. The Senate approved a package for judicial nominees. Obama and the deep state were prepared to if Trump didn't concede his loss during the election and now they are preparing to take steps if Trump doesn't abide by the impeachment ruling, this is never going to happen. Facebook, Google and Twitter are hacked and mllions upon millions of user personal data has been stolen. Trump celebrates the release of Pastor Brunson from Turkey. Trump wants to get to the bottom of the missing journalist in Turkey. Warning for the next 48 hours, the internet could go black or portions of the internet could go black. Q warned us of an internet blackout.


Dear Dave,

I love your work and have followed you for years and even put you as one of my HEROES OF TRUTH.

But when are you going to realize that Q is one big PSY OP and you are being played like a GRAND PIANO?

Please have an open mind and look at my recent article/post proving it; in it, I provide substantial evidence that Q is the official outlet for the Neocons and their nefarious agendas (esp. Iran and China).



Small excerpt:



Does this "Q" look like a benevolent agent? Really?

-With the culling of all the independent press from facebook this is very worrying. People need to stop relying on the authorities and build communities and start being independent 💯🐒

Lots of RATS 🐀 to exterminate ❗️

Dave, I'm not buying into the Q program. It requires too much faith. More like religion. I have an open mind and I'm listening, but not buying it yet.

I'm concerned that the Q program could be a psychological program. And if that turns out to be proven, then the American people who got sucked up into this are going to be extremely angry. Rightly so. The implication of such means that Washington is too corrupt to correct. Which is what I think.