Feature Request: Flagging Notifications

in Freewriters2 months ago

Feature Request: Flagging Notifications

Hey folks!

Have you ever lost track of your notifications? Probably once or twice, right? They just keep piling up and before you know it you're rifling through a bunch of them, looking for that needle in the haystack. Sure, you could bookmark individual URLs, but how would you like being able to flag individual entries? Add an exclamation/question mark, a to-do label, an emoji, or a little comment. You get it.

What do you think?


The notifications are actually something that still has a lot of room for improvement. :-)

Unfortunately, the notifications are only a one-way street at the moment. There is currently no communication between the user and the instance that ‘generates’ the notifications. The notifications can be retrieved for each user, but not edited.
It could be solved locally in the browser, but that would mean that you would only see the markers in the browser you used to set the marker.

So I don't hold out much hope for you at the moment...

 2 months ago (edited)

So if anything you would need some kind of a dedicated overlay? Like a plugin or a browser extension? But it's not like Steemit could provide that type plugin itself, right? Even if there was some external overlay I'd rather keep my Steemit vanilla, or at least I can't help it.

Besides, are there any plans on enabling some type of private messaging? I mean, your notifications are already kind of private I suppose. I'm saying if Steemit ever was to redo or improve the notification system with a few upgrades. But then I'm jus spitballing and probably underestimate how complicated this stuff tends to be.

Thanks for the answer anyhow! Appreciate it!

Besides, are there any plans on enabling some type of private messaging?

Not from Steemit, but maybe this is what you want: https://steemchat.org/
There is a problem at the moment. The dev has been notified.

your notifications are already kind of private I suppose.

No, everyone can see your notifications. These are mine: https://steemit.com/@moecki/notifications

Steemit ever was to redo or improve the notification system with a few upgrades

Maybe not from Steemit, but from witnesses or other developers. For example, I'm still working on a few changes...

 2 months ago (edited)

Damn, I wasn't aware. I don't really understand why anybody needs to see my notifications honestly, or my wallet status for that matter. I'm sure there must be a reason for it, but I don't get it. Nonetheless, given how everybody's stuff is accessible through public URLs it should be possible to clone your notifications somewhere more pliable. Same as the the invidual links those notifications are pointing to.

Not sure if I prefer it this way, but I like not having to use your keys on third party sites/extensions. In theory I guess.

Steemchat is still down, but I'll check it out later.

 2 months ago 

Everyone can see everything, same for your wallet. How do you believe comments and replies are rewarded?

@kafio do you have a solution for this? How can we separate the notifications, and label (save) what is important to us and what is answered?
By now my only option is to give an upvote and remember whom of the 145 notifications I already read/answered.

I get that to a certain extend but I said in another reply I fail to see why everybody needs to know where you're transferring your money to, or what the total balance of your wallet is. Not talking about tips, but exchanges for example.

That's what the blockchain is... transparency.

Hah, fair enough.

 2 months ago 

Well you got your answer though I would not call it transparancy...

It’s now clear how the extension works. It saves the notifications you want to keep or mark as important, and you can choose which ones to save. Do you have any suggestions? I think you mentioned me in that problem

Everyone can see everything, same for your wallet. How do you believe comments and replies are rewarded?

Sure, but I don't understand why your personal wallet page needs to be. I get why maybe wanting to double check if something went through, but that's you and me. Don't think the general public necessarily needs to know if transferred a bit of STEEM to an exchange. Besides, I think it kind of puts a target on you back if you're a power user. But again, I'm pretty ignorant regarding the subject.


 2 months ago 

When it comes to notifications, one thing that needs to be set up next is the ability to reduce the number of notifications once something is read, currently the only way to eliminate/reduce the number of notifications is to tap on the text Mark all as read.


Don't you feel confused about which notifications you have and haven't read? @wakeupkitty

 2 months ago 

Actually, I could swear there was a time I could see what I had read because what I had ckicked on had a different?/lighter colour just what you see with links on the internet.
Notifications do not always show. It depends on the browser or? 🤷


Screenshot_20250209-194509_Samsung Internet.jpg

Samsung Browser

Screenshot_20250209-201354_Samsung Internet.jpg

I check replies first and remember what I answered.

Btw I searched but could not find you mentioned me.

 2 months ago 

For me, it might not seem like much of a hassle because I haven't gotten many notifications, but for you, it might not be that helpful. Yes, although I'm sure you're used to it and I can see that you're not the complaining type.

I mention you and you don't feel it? Perhaps our caste is too far apart?

Used to isn't true. As soon as you stop commenting you will see you can count your commenter on 2 fingers.

You mean like being able to delete a specific sub-category of notifications? Say upvotes for example?

 2 months ago 

Such an idea can also be added, but what I mean is like for example there are 5 notifications, when one of the items is selected, maybe it's a comment and we read it, after finishing and seeing the red circle, the number inside remains 5 (not decreasing).

Am I the only one who thinks that's something that needs to be improved?

 2 months ago (edited)

Let's see what options we have:
We can mute people
Upvote comments (I also use it to see whom I already answered)
Flagging.. it sounds a bit negative more like this is a nasty person I better keep my eyes on.. can the opposite see the flag?) how about a star?

It would be helpful but if that happens (it saves partly printing) I would also be helpful if those "flagged" replies (or comments - what if I say something smart or share a link?) can be found back underneath a different tag because it's a very long scroll to 2019 or further.

BTW, I also noticed that I can no longer only see the "mentions". Am I the only one? It is helpful if a contest is hosted and I assume for the learning teams as well.

@pennsif @grebmot @adeljose would this work?

BTW, I also noticed that I can no longer only see the "mentions".

If you look at the notifications, there is a menu bar directly above the text "Mark all as read". There you can filter by notification type. If you click on "Mentions" there, only mentions will be displayed. Is that what you mean?

 2 months ago 

It depends on the browser if the mentions show and if these buttons work.

 2 months ago (edited)

I've been wondering if "flagging" might sound a little aggressive. It makes you sound like an elevated security someone put on the ISL (international shit list). Now you can't fly anymore without being groped.

Didn't mean tagging the actual replies though, just the notifications.

Btw. I still see the mentions @wakeupkitty

 2 months ago 

What is there to tag about the notifications? It's already divided in sub groups and if it works depends on the browser I use.

I like to tag or flag or ISL or star comments and replies I like to save.🤔

Look it says 0 notifications 🤔

Screenshot_20250209-194509_Samsung Internet.jpg

I can't tell many of the notifications apart. Only way of differentiating them is either bookmarking them manually or by timestamp, besides the invidual users. If I'm looking for a specific post a or comment a week later or so it gets lost in the soup, at least in my case. Just manually going through notifications seems unnecessary and I'm lazy by nature.

 2 months ago (edited)

That is what I meant to say.
A ♥️or 🍀 or 👎 or 😁 or 🥳 or 🌟 behind a reply or comment would be helpful or a search by name or topic or just ✅ and next these comments and replies could show under a different tab

If not it's printing or saving the links

Ah, fair enough. That's more or less what I was thinking about.

One of the best options to keep a notification displayed is to reesteem the publication related to it. Not all notifications appear on our blog, but they do appear on Steemworld, so it is better to constantly use this application to be updated on anything that has to do with our account.


 2 months ago 

So I should resteem every post where a comment is left I find interesting? I don't like that. My blog is already a mess. I wish I could remove what is restemeed.

Thank you for sharing on steem! I'm witness fuli, and I've given you a free upvote. If you'd like to support me, please consider voting at https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses 🌟

 2 months ago 

I wonder @fuli .. if you show up here doesn't that mean you are already voted for or are you just sending your message to everyone?