Cold Feet

December 31st
It's a beautiful day
End of the year
The world suddenly looks much better
Prosperity, happiness, health in the offing
They are driven away
Angry, bad spirits
Finally, over
Cheers to a new beginning.
Colours accompanied by bangs
Together for a while
To scare the old year together
A new beginning
No reason to complain
The past no longer counts.
Let's go
The neighbours are waiting
Greetings, shaking hands
Best wishes!
How are you?,
Cheerful, happy, full of expectation
The future smiles at us
No room for envy.
You sit in a corner
Forgotten, ignored
What are the chances?
Cold feet
You shiver
It's safe inside
Nobody notices it
People easily forget.
Happy new year!
You are precious to me
I patiently wait
Take my hand
I walk with you.
Anxiety is nasty, real
Take a breath, let's step into the light
You and me = we = one
I hold you.
Suno Music
- Groundbreaking News
- Moonlit Whispers
- Convinced
- Cold Feet
Picture prompt: #pic1000 by @ freewritehouse
The title is the prompt and provided by @freewritehouse as well.
Es cálido leer tu obra, aunque estés hablando de frío (o desde el frío invierno). Siento tu obra muy familiar. Tengo otros escritores en la familia. Logras atrapar al lector. Lo tomas de la mano y haces las marcas en la nieve. Le muestras cómo se hacen los muñecos de nieve, lo arropas a uno frente a la chimenea. Le alcanzas una tasa de café y a soltar historias que transigen alrededor.
Cualquier tema te sienta bien, lo que hace parecer sencillo, cuando no lo es. Escribir es sumamente complejo. Aunque de eso sabes, jjj.
Y de reyes y ansiedades, ya está saturado el mundo. Un abrazo.
Gracias por el apoyo.
Happy new year ma’am.
And I also say a cheers to you, to a new beginning, greater height to be achieved, and to a prosperous year …
Every year is NEW for 1 day. For me, it is for half an hour. Haha. At least, there were PIES.
You mean his year was new for 30 minutes. I couldn't tell the difference I assume it was because we we were covered by pies.