Pan de chocolate 🍫 Chocolate bread 🍫

in GEMS7 days ago

Hola hola mi gente hermosa!
Les cuento Que hoy mandé a mi esposo a comprar pan porque tenía hambre a eso a las 5 de la tarde y como estaba muy temprano para hacer cena le dije que comprara pan, a llegar a casa con el pan me sorprendí porque me llegó con un pan que estaba relleno de chocolate, no lo había visto ni probado y realmente estaba divino, acá en Venezuela será ingeniado bastante para innovar, jamás me hubiera imaginado que iban a quedar un pan relleno de chocolate es algo que me dejó sorprendida y a la vez ahora tengo un pan favorito, el pan de chocolate!. 😋

Hello hello my beautiful people!
I tell you that today I sent my husband to buy bread because I was hungry around 5 in the afternoon and since it was too early to make dinner, I told him to buy bread. When I got home with the bread, I was surprised because he arrived with a bread that was filled with chocolate. I had never seen or tried it and it was truly divine. Here in Venezuela, they must be quite inventive to innovate. I would never have imagined that they would make a bread filled with chocolate, it is something that surprised me and at the same time, now I have a favorite bread, chocolate bread! 😋

