I recover my account back: thank you Jesus

in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

Good morning steemians ,
Good morning heartchurch family,
I have really missed this family for the past 4 days I haven't been able to post anything or view my post due to some heartless set of persons who hacked my account and I was banned from posting for sometimes not until yesterday when the account was released for me to start posting again.

Is good to belong to a family here, with the help of @maxdevalue I was able to recover my account back, may the good Lord who sits in heaven above bless you sir bountifully, thank you for always listening to my complains and always assisting. Thank you sir.

A family is a place that have the heart to accommodate, accepts and even tolerates our excesses. Being in God family is the best gift one can give to ones self and as a steemians been a member of @heartchurch means you have a family that have you in mind too.
Of a truth staying without preaching a message of Christ here was really making me sick but thank God for answering my prayers and using people to help me out.

When you face challenges, don't give up, don't even go around complaining without trying your best to seek for assistance or putting in your best to solve it. I don't know the mindset that came into my mind when this incident happened, I wanted to let it be and opened a new account but one morning I had the inner courage to seek for assistance and help from people who are higher than me and thankfully the helped worked out for me. Applying this to our everyday life, I want to tell you, beloved don't give up easily on life, no matter how heavy the challenges is, don't, I say DON'T GIVE UP.

God still have a plan for you in this life so don't you ever give up when He Himself have not given up on you. Hold strongly unto God and you will make a difference in this life.

Thank you @heartchurch family,
Thank you @maxdevalue sir
Thank you ma'am @darlenys1
Thank you all steemians
Thank you all steemchurch parishioners
Thank you God's lovers.
Thank you @imadear
Thank you @steemchiller for raising an alarm thank you.


 4 years ago 

Glad to have you back. I’m happy that the problem is solved and you’re able to post again. Big thanks to @steemchiller who also noticed and raised alarm 🚨 over your hacked account.

God bless you, and thanks for posting in our community.

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