Your words (20% for @heartchurch)

in HeartChurch4 years ago

You have more influence on your destiny than you may ever think. The live, death, success failure, wealth, poor, weak, strong, great and small dependent on you more than how it depend on God. If you were waiting for God to do anything concerning your life, you might be waiting in vain, because He has already done all that you need to have the best life for you.


The works has already been done from the foundation of the world (Hebrews 4:3). All that you just need to do now is relish all that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has given to you. You have been given all things you need to live vicariously, happily and fulfilled in life. But your answer is the key. Whenever you speak, you condition your life and your future to either go in line with divine provisions of God and destiny for you or to be at different with it.

Where you are presently, your state and condition are the outcome of what you have once said. So, in the next five years or a decade, what you said now will make you the harvest of your current words. Words are great and necessary; they make or destroy. You determine how you want your life to be, in line or at not in line with the Word. When you face difficulties, keep your faith in the Lord and get primitive with your affirmation of the Word.

As you talk, the Spirit will make things to happen in line with that your words; He is not needs your words. Now or later, declare that you are healthy and strong, because you have the life of God in you. Don’t even wait for any indication to show up in your body before you make that kind of declarations. Talk in good way now, and it will send sickness away from you. It’s up to you to make your successful life and live a blessed future with the word of God coming from your lips.