in HeartChurch3 years ago


The arrival of sin into the human race brought many disasters into the world, the terrible one among it a sickness. The good news is that the Lord is also ready to help humanity to get out of it.

In Numbers 21:7-9, the Israelites sinned against God and He sent deadly snakes to kill them. After much pleading by Moses their leader, the Almighty God decided to help them.

Sadly, some folks decided not to look and live that day. The word of God tells us not to tempt Christ, as some of them were also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents. The Lord Jesus said that, just as Moses lifted the serpent in the desert and all that looked upon it were healed, so also would He deliver all the people who would look up to Him.

Jesus Christ has already made things ready for our healing through His stripes if we seek help from Him. What disease are you battling? Have you suffered by the hands of doctors with no result, like the woman with the issue of blood that came to Jesus? All you need to do is to put your faith in Jesus.

Jesus Christ is the Great Physician and will heal you of all infirmity as He did the lame man at the pool of Bethesda. To enjoy healing from above, you must a child of the Great Physician and it is because the food meant for children can't be given to dogs or slaves according to Mark 7:26-30. Give your life completely to the Lord Jesus Christ today and He will show to you that He is truly the Great Physician.