Who is a Christian? (20% to @heartchurch)steemCreated with Sketch.

in HeartChurch4 years ago



Hello steemians I'm Zeal Yakub with the username @zealyakub this is my second post here in this community, I pray that may the light, Mercy, and favor of God envelope us all in Jesus name Amen

Firstly before the definition Christian is all about Christ life, that's leaving your life in the ways of Christ

A Christian: is a person who has accepted Christ as his personal Lord and savior, and also Baptist or is a believer in Christianity.

In Genesis 1:26 God said let us make man in our image.

That shows that the was a board meeting in heaven were all the board members were called together, and the discussed about how to create man.

In this meeting God the Father, the son and of the holy Spirit were the once that had the meeting, that shows that everyone was made in the image of God the Father the son and of the holy Spirit.

Qualities of a Christian

✓. God told moses to tell the people of Israel that he is THE I AM THAT I AM, this is talking about LEADERSHIP.

✓. With the name Jesus you will cast out demons heal the sick and perform miracles this is talking about AUTHORITY

✓. Every where in the bible you see about the holy Spirit is talking about POWER.

Every Christian is made of God the Father the son and of the holy Spirit which implies that, we are made up of Leadership, Authority and power.

The bible is very clear and inspiring, everything that one will need to know, to do is in the bible if it is about business in Matthew 25:14-30 It say is like a man who travelled to a far country and handed over his goods to his servant, to another he gave five talent and to another he gave two talents and to another he gave one the sweetest path is that and he gave to everybody according to the ability.

The one with five talents went and traded and got another five talents making it up ten talents, the one with two talents also went and traded and got extra two making it up four talents, and the one with one talent went and hide it.

When the master returned he called the one with five talents a good and faithful servant, also called the one with two talents a good and faithful servant, but the one with one talent was called a wicked servant, and the master said it was even better if he will have kept it with the usury or exchangers (bank) at least he will have gotten a little interest.

All this lesson is talking about working in the ways of Christ.

Question: if God should return today what type of servant will he identify you as, is it a faithful or wicked servant.

 4 years ago (edited)

Okay thank you