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RE: My mother has this mysterious joint pain condition but experiencing some alleviation

in CCS22 hours ago

It is unfortunately normal for women to suffer from joint pain. This is partly due to menopause and the loss of the female hormone estrogen. In addition, age will also play a role as well as wear and tear on the joints. My question is also whether she suffers from joint pain or whether this pain is also the result of her muscles and nerves.

If your mother (just like me and my children and also ballet dancers suffer from this) has joints that are more flexible (can bend further backwards) then this will also be a burden and cause more pain.
Given her age, she certainly has a major vitamin and mineral deficiency. This deficiency is often only discovered later in life when it is already quite high and tests cannot always show this.

What your mother may also be able to help is magnesium, in addition, it may be that she needs a two to three times higher dosage than the average, whereby the intake must be spread out over the day. No body is the same and it may also be that her body cannot absorb the vitamins and minerals properly. In addition, the use of medication will not make this any easier.

As for the bed, it is certainly possible that this makes the pain worse and that pillows to support the arms or legs can help. You could also try to see if she benefits from sleeping on an inflatable mattress (the kind people use when they go camping).

Finally, I would like to point out that rheumatism or rheumatic disorders certainly cannot always be proven by testing. The same applies to fibromyalgia. Could it be that your mother suffers from this?

I myself once received a "painkiller" from a doctor abroad and it helped excellently against the pain in my neck and joints. However, these pills are not available in my country, I once looked for them. Perhaps that is also the case for you (I have forgotten the name), but it does mean that there are medicines that can combat the worst pain. Perhaps it would be a good idea to get some sleep? Pain will certainly also be worse when body and mind are overtired.

I wish you and your family much strength.

 20 hours ago 

Hello @wakeupkitty

I saw my mother's face this morning after opening my room's door t ask me of I wanted to have my breakfast already and the tone of her voice and that sad look of her face made by this mysterious pain which had been plaguing her especially from the last few weeks hasn't been totally resolved.

In fact, she cannot do our laundry anymore and just letting my father do it with her instructions and then some of the laundry work is delegated to my sister because she cannot do it anymore because of her overall body pain and causing her to moan and groan all the time.

It hurts my feelings a lot as if I also feel her pain within my own body aside from the mental stress it gives me because I love my mother. Although I am in pain myself all the time too especially if I would sit for long and minimal effort like making Moringa capsules much less other things like washing dishes is just impossible for me to do, it is more ok for me to feel pain coming from my own body to see my loved one suffer from anything.

I don't know if my mother has a fibromyalgia because she has been strong all her years and a sudden onset of that muscle condition in my opinion is unlikely. But she had developed a worse allergy on many foods as years go by which she do not have when I was younger.

But one major problem that she had been suffering from is her hyperacidity issues and it has let her to suffer from difficulty in swallowing food because of maybe the acid already affected her esophagus. Aside from all that, she developed now a stuffed nasal passage that would not go away.

I believe that as you point-out, elderly persons are having a trouble in absorbing nutrients and I think that she needs magnesium to give a relaxing effect on her muscles because she drinks so much water after a meal, I mean more than two quarts of water and I guess it flushes out some of the minerals that her body needs and causing these unusual pain.

I think that she is comfortable with the new foam that was bought for her by my siblings and she was having a good sleep too, she is an early sleeper and sleeps like a baby. However the recent pain attacks didn't let her to sleep better and any person too will not get a restful sleep if they have this type of pain that my mother is suffering from.

My mother is also taking only vitamin 1, 6, 12 (B1, B6, B12) and yet she still says that she has this numb sensation on her limbs. But the recent doctor that she consulted gave her a prescription of calcium with vitamin D3 and a multivitamin and it is the ones that she is taking now as her supplement.

I will have to still see what I can do, maybe some additional vitamins with minerals can help her out along with some supplements like curcumin might add a relief.

Thank you about your concern, take care now. ❤♥🌹


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