China builds an autonomous mothership full of autonomous drones/China fabrica una nave nodriza autónoma llena de drones autónomos

in Project HOPE2 years ago


Increasingly we can see how the scenarios of war are changing, supersonic aircraft and missiles, autonomous vehicles of all kinds or cyber war make huge ships obsolete such as aircraft carriers with crews of thousands of people (6,000 in the case of aircraft carriers of the Nimitz-class).

Cada vez más podemos observar como los escenarios de guerra van cambiando, aviones y misiles supersónicos, vehículos autónomos de todo tipo o la ciberguerra vuelven obsoletas las enormes naves como los portaaviones con tripulaciones de miles de personas (6.000 en el caso de los portaaviones de la clase Nimitz).

The cost of maintaining such fortresses of more than 300 meters in length and 41 meters in width, even if it is only to house, entertain and feed the crew, is extremely high, not to mention the economic losses that it entails if the enemy manages to sink any of these sea monsters.

El coste de mantener semejantes fortalezas de más de 300 metros de eslora (largo) y 41 m de manga (ancho) aunque solo sea alojar, entretener y dar de comer a la tripulación es sumamente elevado, por no hablar de las pérdidas económicas que supone si el enemigo consigue hundir alguno de estos monstruos marinos.


They say that it was Napoleon Bonaparte who said that "When China wakes up, the world will tremble" and now it seems that not only has it woken up but that its cereals are already running out, last year construction began, in one of its shipyards, of the first autonomous aircraft carrier loaded with drones of all kinds called Zhu Hai Yun.

Dicen que fue Napoleón Bonaparte quien dijo aquello de "Cuando China despierte, el mundo temblará" y ahora parece que no solo se ha despertado sino que ya se está terminando sus cereales, el año pasado comenzó la construcción en uno de sus astilleros del primer portaaviones autónomo cargado de drones de todo tipo llamado Zhu Hai Yun.

It is an autonomous platform that will carry all kinds of drones on board: aerial drones, unmanned boats and submersible drones, the ship will work with remote control until it has reached the open sea, and then its autonomous driving systems will be in charge of coordinating whatever maneuver they are executing.

Se trata de una plataforma autónoma que llevará a bordo todo tipo de drones: drones aéreos, lanchas no tripuladas y drones sumergibles, el barco funcionará con control remoto hasta que haya llegado a mar abierto, y luego sus sistemas de conducción autónoma se encargarán de coordinar cualquier maniobra que esté ejecutando.


The ship is equipped with everything it needs to deploy its own ships, submarines, and planes, coordinate their missions and bring aerial drones back to land on its deck, as well as recovery systems for the boats and submarines once they have finished their respective missions.

El buque está equipado con todo lo que necesario para desplegar sus propios barcos, submarinos y aviones, coordinar sus misiones y hacer que los drones aéreos vuelvan a aterrizar en su cubierta, además de poseer sistemas de recuperación para los botes y submarinos una vez que hayan terminado sus respectivas misiones.

In principle, the Chinese say that this ship will be dedicated to research, but the ship has enough military capacity to intercept and expel invasive targets. Let's hope that, with a bit of luck, the military dedicate themselves to destroying each other's toys and stop killing the civilian population who are not to blame for anything.

En principio los chinos dicen que esta nave será dedicada a la investigación pero el barco tiene suficiente capacidad militar para interceptar y expulsar objetivos invasivos. Esperemos que, con un poco de suerte, los militares se dediquen a destruir mutuamente sus juguetitos y dejen de cargarse a la población civil que no tiene culpa de nada.

More information/Más información


Hola @mauromar, es como si le dieron vida a los guerreros de terracota.

A ship carrying drones is a special ship. It would be tested alot of times before coming in

Greetings @mauromar with the economic potential and technological advances that this country has achieved, I am not surprised by the creation of this type of inventiveness.

Great contribution. Regards

Credit to China for their non stop discovery of new invention....This invention will be a big advantage to the masses.
Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 😊💞

Same to you @hardaeborla and thanks for comment.

Hello @mauromar
That thing they build is a real underwater fortress, and that it's autonomous... wow, that's amazing.
I can't imagine the cost, practically they could even make schools and hospitals.
But every country has its priorities, and what seems to be a priority for China is to finish establishing itself as a super power.
And to think about the civilian population, well, it will be only to dominate it, I don't think otherwise.

You have no doubt that they will be (are) the greatest world power.

Hello dear friend, great information, it is something really great, this country is a great power, although many people do not see it that way, we must educate ourselves a little more and see beyond, know that there are countries like this that are capable of doing almost anything. Greetings.

Maybe this is the problem ...almost anything.
Thanks for comment

Greetings @mauromar 😊

Technology is just developing more than we can ever imagine... I love the fact that the ship makes use of Artifical Intelligence in carrying out it tasks or operations which helps to reduce the stress of humans.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💞😊

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