Can we overcome discouragement?


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Everything that we propose for our lives and that is for our welfare we can accomplish, however in the case of discouragement we must admit and consider that it can mean a very strong fight.

The fact that it means a strong fight does not mean that it is difficult to win, discouragement is part of the self-esteem that the person has for that moment, if there is nothing that stimulates us to get out of the discouragement, it is difficult to recover the normal state of mind that we had, a very valid way to get out of the discouragement is to propose to achieve easy to accomplish and short-term goals, with this there may be another reason to activate us and leave behind the discouragement.

To be able to diagnose the cause of our discouragement is key, in the case that it is the lack of family attachment it is important that we look for our loved ones, seek to share more time with them, and not only that but we can also encourage others to give special importance to family activities and tradition.

When we get discouraged is because we care little about what happens in our environment, we do not want to perform the activities in which we are commonly experts, this is a way to turn on our alarms and think about correcting something in us that is wrong.

In conclusion, we must know how to diagnose the reason for discouragement so that we can attack it in time and can provide us with a lifestyle where the constant struggle and dynamism in pursuit of our goals is our common denominator.


Hello @sandracarrascal!
There are days when we can be trapped by discouragement, not wanting to get up, however, we must fight against it and look for that inner strength that encourages us to do things and find the positive in everything. Thank you for sharing

Hi @sandracarrascal.

Getting out of that state of discouragement is undoubtedly directly related to the attitude with which you put yourself to face those actions that hurt us and made us dive into that state of discouragement, so the main thing is to identify the source of the problem and be determined to leave it in the past and move on.


Hello friend, very good post and very relevant. Today it is very common to feel discouraged in situations where we can not find the way out of some situations or in cases where things do not go as expected. It is not easy but we must fight against discouragement and especially learn that the situations in our lives are temporary and that everything improves if we change our attitude and way of seeing life.

Yeah, I think discouragement, the majority of the time, is about what is on the inside of us.

That is good, because we can correct it…but it's bad, because it's hard to admit that we are the problem :)

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