Large leaf spider in aceh forest

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago


Large leaf spider in aceh forest

Today, I will show again, a type of leaf spider, which is very large than any other species I have ever seen, this species has very long legs and has a very dark black color.

I found this large type of leaf spider, while walking with the fine thread that he had.

in a few swiping movements, while tracing the very thin white fine thread, I did some shots, which you can see below later,

In taking this spider shot, I shot it in several different viewpoints, which is useful, you can imagine some pictures and details of this type.

what kind of spider I mean, let's look at it below:


Large leaf spider


Large leaf spider


Large leaf spider


Large leaf spider


Large leaf spider


Large leaf spider


Large leaf spider


Large leaf spider


Large leaf spider


Large leaf spider


Large leaf spider


Large leaf spider

that's a short story, about the type of spider I found, I hope you will be happy to see it.

don forget #promosteem and #tron in your country

Hilsen @sultan-aceh


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Macro PhotographyLarge leaf spider
Location PhotoAceh Forest
Camera usedHandphone



Bit2 lagak Spiderman nyann

thank you so much :)

Saya sangat suka dengan sebuah karya macro photography, namun saya tidak mempunyai camera yang bagus untuk mulai mempelajarinya. . .

thank you so much :)

Sama-sama bang 🙏

get bang ...awak rumoh saket lagow ..heheh

Hehee iya bang, awak droe teuhh...
Droe neuu daerah toeh bg ??

 4 years ago 

Such an awesome spider! Although, I wouldn't want it crawling on me lol

thank you so much :)

 4 years ago 

You are welcome!

saya tidak habis fikir dengan anda,dan apalagi kata kata untuk memuji kehebatan anda @sultan-aceh ...! postingan anda memang "super hebat"

thank you so much :)

Hasil dari fotonya bangus bg, beruntung kita tinggal di daerah Aceh, karena banyak species langka yang dapat kita jadikan objek untuk di foto.

thank you so much :)

Get bg sama-sama. Salam kenal

Anda selalu menampilkan yang luar biasa,ini membuat sedikit tegang,apakah anda tidak merasa takut di saat mengambil gambar sedekat ini.
Karena setau saya laba laba itu banyak yang berbahaya.

Tetapi anda mengambil gambar ini sedekat ini.
Sangat luar biasa hasil yang anda dapatkan.
Tetap semangat dan sukses @sultan-aceh.

thank you so much :)

aceh forest is full of different different spiders .

thank you so much :)

monster laba laba yang menakutkan, dengan kaki panjang, sangat luar biasa

thank you so much :)

We followers will continue to strive to be able to get better results, like you, @sultan-aceh

This spider looks so extraordinary, interesting :)

thank you so much :)

Bidikan yang sangat sempurna,,

thank you so much :)

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