in Steem Ghana3 years ago




Happy new month to you all, i hope you are enjoying the new month. Am really excited about the month because i know amazing things will happen.

Its been a while here and am so delighted to be here today. I have missed posting in this beautiful and educative community @steem-ghana. I also want to use this medium to say thank you for hosting this contest and having me here. And to all the admin of the community @oppongk @nattybongo thank you for the good work.


The contest is titled 3 unique / different things i will do to promote steem this year 2022.

I believe the new year is an opportunity for a new beginning. What do i mean by that? I mean this new year is an opportunity to change strategies that did not work last year and implement new ones, its an opportunity to given to add more value to the blockchain maximizing new ideas.

Here are the 3 unique/different things i will do to promote steem this 2022.



It is no longer news that the world has gone digital. And in other to get the world then we must also learn to follow the trend of things and that is why i have decided that one of the ways i am going to promote steem this year 2022 is hold online seminars that will strictly be for steem promotion.

My online seminars will be held via zoom and other social media outlet where i get to teach and talk to many about steem. Steem is helping lives and guess what? There are still huge number of persons out there who has not heard about steem before. The world is waiting for us!

Last year i didnt do this but since a a new year for new opportunities i am already planing towards this, where the seminars about steem will be publicize online and the meeting will hold. This days alot of persons dont have time to converge at a physical place waiting for you to hold a meeting. Infact here in the city of lagos, time is money, everyone is in a haste. So this strategy will enable me promote steem in mass, and in their various comfort zones. They could still be at their work place and still connect to the seminars.




Another strategy for me this year in respect to promoting steem is through schools publicity. Yes you heard me right. There are more than 5000 secondary schools in the city of lagos with several higher institutions. So what better way to reach the youth in their number?

There are alot of youths out there looking for what to do to support their income. I remember when i was still in school, the money given to me by my parents was not enough to do the things i needed to do. I sought for part time jobs in order to raise some money for my self. Now imagine if i had found steemit at that point of my life, imagine if someone told me about steemit, imagine if a steem promoter came to my school at that time. I believe there are students today who are like me back then. They need financial help, some needs a platform to express their skills. And one great advantage of steemit is that it is very diversified. We have different communities to suit their talents and skills.

So i plan on taking steem to the grass root of secondary school down to higher institutions. I would be branded going to these schools, taking the necessary permission needed and when given the right audience i would educate them about steem, get them signed up and mentor them. It is even possible to get a club registered in these schools especially secondary school called steem club i would get a team of steem promoters and asign them to these schools on their club days. This will inturn serve as a mentorship class for the students. Interesting isn't it?



The third means of promoting steem for me this year is through my social media. I have not really taking promiting steem via my social media seriously but this year will be different. I intend to utilize my social media for promotion especially my whatsap and facebook. I am already on this strategy already. Sometimes i dont need to post anything, just a picture of myself branded with my T-shirt and my contacts will begin to ask me questions about the shirt and what is is about. Take alook at this pictires below.



I have about 150 audience in one of my sim and about 200 audience in the other sim, all in the phone i use. And not even up to 20 contacts of mine know about steem. Now imagine if they keep viewing my status daily, they will definately ask me about the write up on my shirt. Sometimes i dont have to post pictures, i could do a short video talking about steem and post it on my status on whatsap and face book. My friends and contact will slide into my Dm asking for more explaination about what i posted. Alot of people are searching for means of earning a living this year and i want to be one of their great help this year. You see thats what i call large scale promotion. This year will be sugary for steem am positive about it and ready for all its challenges.


These are just the major 3 things i would be doing. Although there several ways i intend to promote steem. There are also strategies i used last year that worked for me, i will be implementing them side by side with the major things i have listed.

Thank you so much for reading till the end, i hope you found my entry worth reading?



 3 years ago 

Excellent ways of promoting steem to the entire world. Keep on doing your possible best to ensure that the entire world here of it.

Thanks for sharing

 3 years ago 

Thank you for finding time to visit my blog

 3 years ago 

It is a pleasure

 3 years ago 

Wow I buy the same idea of taking steem to school because all the students have smartphone and Laptop, thank you for sharing your 3 unique ways with us

 3 years ago 

You are so welcome ma

 3 years ago 

Thank you

 3 years ago 

this is really nice from you,,,keep up the good works and thanks for the entry

 3 years ago 

Thank you sir for finding my entry worth reading..and thanks for your kind words

Your unique way of expanding steem is so great. Kudos to your plans💪👏
Thanks for sharing.

 3 years ago 

Thank you dear

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