A Hunters Role.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #homesteading7 years ago


Hunters often get the bad rap as killers, Heartless blood thirsty monsters shooting and killing anything that they see, but for the hunters that I know personally, that could not be farther from the truth. Yes its true between my son and I we harvested four deer this year, but we saw twenty plus deer this year. We didn't harvest fawns (baby deer) or deer with fawns with them. We harvested mature deer that have already reproduced.
I was raised and taught how to hunt respectfully. I know for some of you that probably doesn't make sense, but let me try and explain.
For example where you shoot an animal matters. If you wait for a good shot or if take any shot you have. I can tell you from experience there isn't a worse feeling for a hunter then to make a bad shot and end up having to track an injured animal.

The hunters role is to control and promote the health of a species and its habitat through population control.

Hunters and Wildlife Conservation

Hunters spend more time, money, and effort on wildlife conservation than any other group in society. In addition to participating in the harvest of surplus animals, hunters help sustain game populations by:

  • Helping fund wildlife management through license fees
  • Funding through the Pittman-Robertson Act
  • Providing samples from harvested animals
  • Participating in surveys
  • Filling out questionnaires*
    Site Source

What Is The Purpose of Hunter Education? Hunter education strives to instill responsibility, knowledge, and encourage the involvement of beginner and veteran hunters. Responsible, ethical behavior and personal involvement are both essential to the survival of hunting.
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All hunters must take a valid hunters education course to get a hunting license. This course teaches safety, courtesy, respect, legal and proper hunting responsibilities that all hunters should know.

Most hunters are in fact responsible trustworthy citizens with a love for nature, adventure and wildlife itself.

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Not everyone is as responsible as you. I have seen the other side of the coin where it has become a sport for the sake of shooting. I agree with hunting as a form of animal control and for food. Hunt respectfully and do no harm.

Yes I agree, there are people who should not be allowed to hunt. We could say the same for just about anything though. There are people with drivers license that really shouldn't be driving.
Thank you,

Us trappers get a bad image too dam peta

PETA LOL now those are poeple with no common sense

Does my hunter's heart good to read these words. More words like these...please.