Like Money In the Bank
The phrase, "Like money in the bank" used to be used to denote an investment that was as safe/secure as having money in the bank. (of course this was only used in 1st world countries who didn't have their banks going under or revaluing the currency every decade or so.
Today, if more people understood our banking / financial system, "Like money in the bank" would be a slur. An apropos statement of "your investment" is destined to go to zero, just like your money in the bank.
If banks were honest entities, they would be doing what they could to ensure their clients money, but they are not. They were started by evil banksters, and run today by greedy, evil banksters. People who are still looking to make a profit, in dollars, as the dollar is eating itself.
Imagine that you were so caught up in a game of monopoly that you were still trying to get that last monopoly-dollar even as the board and pieces are being put back into the box. That is the current monetary market.

Money in the bank? You don't own that.
If you do not already know, the laws have already been written and passed, that next bank failures will be met with bail-ins. Meaning, if the bank falls on hard times, they can use individual's deposits to pay its creditors.
Of course they are not stealing your money, you gave it to them. (more on that in a sec) Really, they will give you stock in the bank worth, at that moment, what your account balance was worth when they used it to bail out the bank. Of course, those stocks will be worthless in a bank that is closing. In legal terms, you are a creditor to the bank. And last in line to get paid when bankruptcy is filed. Every other creditor, even loans they got the day before they declared bankruptcy, are ahead of you.
Banks are insolvent. And your "money in the bank" is already gone. We will wake up one day, probably just after a 3 day weekend, to find that we cannot access our money that was in the bank. It will be quick, to keep all the little people from pulling their money out in cash. Make sure all the sheep get shorn.
At that moment, cash will become king.

Your House Is Your Biggest Asset
Well, you could call a house an asset, if you weren't living in it. And thus could easily sell it. But, that is not usually the case. Your house is called that, because, like, you are living in it. Thus, you can never really collect the equity in it, and so it is not an asset.
It is called an asset by those same banksters who are trying to get all your money from you. (well, because, it IS the bank's asset)
This phrase was began when banks really started to push mortgages for people to "buy" houses. "Houses always go up in value" (except when there are any market corrections, or your city closes the factory and becomes a ghost town…)
And so, by this time, everyone believes that "house prices always go up", and "your house is your biggest asset".
Most people have not even realized that house prices are about to go DOWN! And that the bank mortgage scheme is about to go bust. (Demographics is falling fast, and so will housing demand)
Your house will be worth what your neighbor can pay you for it in cash. Most people do not have $500 for an emergency.

Invest in a diverse portfolio of stocks and bonds
Imagine this scenario: Bitcoin become the world's reserve currency. Nobody use The US Dollar anymore, but all those bonds are still paid in dollars. They just fire up the printer, and pay out all those outstanding bonds that are due.
The bonds, the debt, was never defaulted on. But, the bonds became as meaningful as the money in a Monopoly Game.
This is one of the scenarios for what is coming for the people who hold "the safest investment in the world".
And the stocks are set up for something worse. It is a game of musical chairs. There isn't many chairs left, and those chairs that are left have a fat bankster already sitting in it. When the music stops, you will find you own nothing.
Years later, and after much angry people, they will work out something to give every investor like 50% of what they thought they had when the stock market was closed for fraud.
This game of "deny the little people any real wealth" has been playing out for a long time. And the banksters really have a scheme to deny everyone the stock they purchased. (You don't own any stock, unless you had it transferred to your person and recorded by the corporation lawyers. Cede owns all the traded stock) You see, the banksters, even at the end of the game, are still trying to acquire just a bit more. They can't stop.

It is really hard on you when you find out that everything you thought you knew is wrong. That is especially painful when it comes to your "money".
To be told that all your wealth is about to disappear, is so frightening, that most people won't even ponder the situation. This is on top of very few people knowing what the financial system actually is.
The good boys and girls, the ones who invested for retirement are going to wake up one day and find they have nothing. Just like all the losers who never put one dollar aside for retirement. Social inSecurity will be gone, or paid in worthless dollars.
So, make sure you have cash, crypto and silver. Because these things will be valuable at points in the future.
The other things are food, and things that can make food. Your homestead, with greenhouse, will be essential for your future life.
The sooner you can let go of the dying financial system (in all its forms), the sooner you will be actually making a future for yourself.