The Fed Is Pure Evil, But Can We Just End It?

in Informationwar10 days ago (edited)


Usury is a sin.
It should also be a crime punishable by death.

(Unfortunately, very few comprehend economics enough to know why this is a proper punishment.)

What the Fed does is even worse.

They spread it all around, so no one notices the crater they create in the economy.
To say that having everyone be slaves is better for the people is an understatement. Under slavery, the master is required to feed and house you. And, if they do not, it is apparent who is causing you the harm.

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The Fed Steals Money Through Usury

Usury is charging interest on lending money.

Lets say you borrowed 10 coins, this is all that there is, it is just you and the bank. How would you pay back 11 coins (10% interest)? Well, you can't. There isn't 11 coins in existence.

This is really apparent in a real/solid money system. You charge usury, and people quickly find that they can't pay back the loans.

Even in the fractional reserve lending system, it is slower, but it will come to a point where there is not enough money to pay off the loans. (The way it is supposed to work is you borrow more to pay off the old interst, and then borrow more to pay the interest, and then more… You start off with 1¢ being quite valuable. And end with $1000 bills being akin to toilet paper.

The fractional reserve lending system allows the banks to just keep printing more money.

However, at some point there is too much debt in the system, and the whole thing collapse. All that work, over all that time, to earn money has been sucked up by the banks, and you are left with nothing.

(When you lend real/solid money you do not charge/receive interest, when you lend money, you are creating more. Say you lent money to build a bridge. When the bridge is done, and gets repaid, you have your money back, and a bridge exists, making your money more valuable)

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The Fed Steals Money Through Bankruptcy

There is never enough money to pay all the loans. The slowest person will go bankrupt.

It is not about money mismanagement, but that does play a factor in who is the slowest, it is a feature of the system.

If everyone tried to pay off their mortgage at the same time, it couldn't be done. There isn't enough money in the world. Everyone would take all the money to the bank (where it disappears), and there still would be loans left to pay off.

People talk about The US balancing the budget, none realizing that it can't ever be done. The US is paying off a credit card with a credit card. Further, if The US doesn't make even more money by borrowing more, the whole thing falls apart. You could say that The US national debt is the money supply.

Banksters are truly evil. When they sucker someone into taking out a mortgage, they are getting a house in exchange for money they create out of thin air (or steal a penny from every dollar nearby) And, what really make the bank "rich", is that many people lose the house. The bank gets a percentage of the houses they write mortgages on.

The banks not only make money up front, and for services rendered, they also make money on the inevitable failures.

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The Fed Steals Money Through Negative Real Interest Rates

The story is that the bank borrows money from people (savings accounts) and pays them a percentage of what they get from lending out that money (bank loans). This seems all pat, and correct, except that this is a fractional reserve system.

For every $10 deposited, they can lend $100 (at 10% reserve rate, which is now 3% or lower depending on bank) So, the bank makes 10 loans for the 1 savings account held on deposit.

The amount the pay out for bonds and savings accounts is actually closely related to the inflation rate. (the rate at which the Fed and banks are printing money) They must keep these rates lower than rate of inflation, so that money is always flowing to the banks.

It's call Negative-Real-Interest rates. Making sure that no little people get ahead, unless they take a lot of risk.

Basically, the banksters are making sure you slowly lose. Too fast and you will see the game and stop playing. Too slow and the banks could lose money.

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In these ways, the banksters are sucking the world dry.


Now that you know these things, do you want to start a revolution by morning?

The evil banksters need to go. However, just kicking them out will leave everyone without any money. So, how do you do that?

One way is to let the Fed run the money supply into the ground, have the Fed take the blame, and then start afresh with new, sound money. Some people speculate that this is the plan, and Trump is doing that plan.

But really, this all ends when people know how evil the Fed is being. And then when the inevitable crash happens, many people will say, let the Fed die.

However, it will probably happen as people decide to adopt crypto, and never allow banks to control the money again. Hunting down banksters and hanging them from lampposts. Recently, in some countries, people were kidnapping bank managers and holding them ransom to get their own money out of the bank.

(by the way, it is not your money in the bank, it is the bank's money. You gave it to them.)

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


10% Reserve requirements were eliminated in March 2020. It is now 0%.

The plandemic is when they took the mask off and let you know that the "money" is all hot air they create ex-nihilo. The interest they charge you is for the privilege of using their money. When they lend you this hot air for a house, the house becomes their asset because it is generating revenue for them and your liability because the insurance and maintenance cost is on you. People who tell you your house is an asset are another breed of scammers.

Is the 0% reserve requirement for all banks, or just the top banks?

Mortgages are just evil, wrapped in evil, topped with extra evil.

"All depository institutions" indicates all banks.