Why Many People Believe Money Should Be Gotten Rid of. Banks Really Are Evil!
People talk about money just being an extension of barter. A tool for modern man.
However, there are important rules that MUST be followed to maintain the money. Rules that are in opposition to man's greed. So, the thing that makes man work hard to provide for their families, is also the force that can break down the balance of money.
And when the balance is broken, the money system is broken.
Banksters are the worst. Doing everything that breaks down the balance of money, and robbing everyone at the beginning and at the end. The Fed knew this, and built the system so that banksters could continuously rob people.
Banksters bring out the worst in people and money.

The barter that money was supposed to help
Lets imagine two farmers. Bill and Bob. Bill grows chickens, Bob raises cows.
Bill exchanging milk for eggs is quite a great barter. And often Bob is exchanging milk for some eggs.
But when it comes time to butcher a steer, Bill just doesn't have enough eggs, or even enough chickens to exchange at once for a half a cow. Barter breaks down.
And so, we have started to use money as a tally
And, if the money works well, then a lot money goes to Bob when beef is on the menu. And, the rest of the year the money slowly flows back to Bill.
This system works ok, even across the town. However, there are several big gotchas.
There can be no rich people. There can be no banksters. There can be no money leaving town.
If any of these happen, the exchange system, breaks down. Spirals into oblivion as everyone starves.

No leakage allowed
The money as an aid to barter has to have no leakages. Everyone has to produce the same amount of goods. i.e Bill has to raise 1000 pounds of chicken, and Bob has to raise 1000 pounds of beef. And the candle maker has to make 1000 pounds of candles…
If the balance between people's output changes for too long, then the whole system breaks down as one person ends up with all the money.
If an outside person comes in and takes some money away with them, everyone in the system is now poorer. If too much of this happens, the town will not have any money. (And during the Great Depression, there were towns that had one $5 bill. The whole town)
If a bankster comes into town, and starts charging a storage fee (or fractional reserve lending) then, slowly the town goes broke. People will go into bankruptcy because of this leakage in the money. The bankster does several bad things all at once. They basically become the rich person, because they have most of the money. The balance is broken. Because the bank doesn't make anything, the balance of exchanges breaks down. And the bankster can manipulate the market. They could buy up the whole cow, leaving some people to starve/go hungry. (because they can pay more than everyone else)
The banks are worse than thieves, because you cannot tell that they are robbing you. Only the bankster knows how much money is in the bank. So, if they skim some, no one can tell until the bank run happens.

Currency Keeps You Chasing More Currency
The modern banksters haven't gotten better at being good, they have gotten better at skimming/stealing. Now, they steal, off the top, in a way that leaves people broke, with the same number of digits in their account.
By basing currency on debt, they steal from the moment the currency comes into existence.
And then, the charge interest on currency they printed out of thin air, the stealing after.
Everyone needs more currency to pay the loans (even those who never borrowed any currency) back. And more, and more. Because the currency keeps disappearing as the loan is paid off.
It is like a thief waiting outside the bank, and then, another thief waiting outside the store. You are getting robbed twice for every dollar you dare to work for and spend. (and then, there is the tax collector, who comes and takes the currency away, destroying things more)
So, every person has to work harder to get more currency. And harder and harder, to get more and more currency to buy the same beef they did last time. And this continues until people literally can't keep up.

The inflation we are experiencing in food, housing and energy are a direct result of the banksters, and the evil they are wrecking on currency.
We need to put a stop to that.
Now that we are coming up with better money (blockchain based cryptocurrency) we need to realize all of the things that break money and stop them. Then we also need to balance the money flows.
We cannot charge interest on loans made in bitcoin and paid in bitcoin. There is no bitcoin created to pay the interest, and so, if that interest exists, the money will break down. It quickly becomes apparent that there is more interest due then there is bitcoin.
We also need to balance the work output. (which is what money was basically for. Balancing energy) Right now we have large corporations that horde all of the output. They manufacture, we are paid a pittance, they skew the balance, and people end up unable to afford the things that they build.
This gets a lot easier when the corporations all self destruct, and people become much more self sufficient.
And, it is very interesting the things we come up with to balance trade. Including give people things who can't pay for them.